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 Murhder's 'Mistake' - Vishous & Murhder 1.18.12

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Murhder's 'Mistake' - Vishous & Murhder 1.18.12  Empty
PostSubject: Murhder's 'Mistake' - Vishous & Murhder 1.18.12    Murhder's 'Mistake' - Vishous & Murhder 1.18.12  Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 1:41 am

[taking form in front of the gatehouse of Darius' home, I can feel the earliest rays of dawn prickling beneath my skin. Timed that one well. I'd just sent the female on her way not an hour ago. Her bruises and bite marks will be the only memory she'll retain of the evening's activities. That, and the yearning for more.] Fuck, how am I going to pull this shit off?

-He could feel the prison of the house already. Yeah, it was cool as fuck that he and his brothers could walk around in the mansion after the doggens lowered the shades for the day, but it was still a prison to the warrior who was used to his own space, his own belongings his own free will. Crossing the foyer toward the kitchen, he looked to the door, surprised to see Vishous coming in so close to dawn- what the fuck brother?

[glancing up quickly as I close the door behind me, locks sliding into place. I glance up to find Murder pacing the floor restlessly. Anxious to get past the Brother and hole up for the day to collect my thoughts, I shake my head slightly.] Not a fucking thing, true.

-stepping in front of Vishous to keep him from hitting the stairs, he frowns- not fucking true..-sniffing the air around them, he doesn’t try to stop the nasty knowing grin- female...wait..-sniffs again- females...-the grin fades- fuck cut it close...

[placing my gloved hand against the Brother's chest, I give a slight shove, growling dangerously.] Not going there, feel me? [already keyed up from the bombing and the surprise demand to move in and bunk together, my patience with my fellow warriors is as thin as a razor, further solidifying my decision to decline D's offer, and defy Wrath's order to stay here.]

[jogging halfway up the staircase, I stop for a moment and turn diamond sharp eyes on Murhder] Between you and me, Brother.. true?

-frowns as he steps back, the shove unexpected but matched the feelings pouring out of the brother, watching him with a furrowed brow, he nods to Vishous after a pause, understanding the need to keep things quiet about the female pastime- true brother.

[exhaling on a sharp sigh, I nod once to Murhder and begin to ascend the staircase once more, ready to search out the guest room D had assigned me to our first day here. Turning the knob, I step into a room more suited for a dignitary than the likes of myself. Scowling, my ass hits the edge of an overstuffed chair, bending to unlace my shitkickers]

-Deciding now was just as good a time as any to recruit Vishous to help him with a "little problem", he took the steps by two trying to catch up with him. Seeing the brother enter a room around the corner, he paused outside the door and actually was polite enough to knock. Calling to Vishous from behind the door, he waited before turning the knob- Can I talk with you brother? I' a problem.

[Hearing my name and the cautious knock, my brows crank down in irritation, biting back a snarl] Yeah. Come in, shut the fucking door. [Leaving my shitkickers where they fall, I lean back in the chair, leather clad legs kicking up to rest against the side of the king-sized bed. Finally turning my eyes to Murhder I see ..'tha fuck? ..trepidation all over the Brother's face.] Talk to me. Spit it out, true.

-knows how irritated Vishous is, it's all over his fucking face, can't say he blamed him, he was feeling that way too…but this…shit, he hated admitting to the brother that he had fucked up again. Closing the door behind him, his hulking shoulders almost faming the doorway, he growled as he ran a hand roughly though windblown hair- I...uh...shit, I did it again brother. Killed another one...

[Dragging gloved fingers through my hair roughly, I grind my teeth together until my jaw cracks. Dredging up the measure of control I'd only just used all fucking night, I speak in an even tone.] You. Did. What? Come again? [Unable to pull back the incredulity in my voice as the words "Killed another one..." filter through] No. Fuck. Tell me you didn't. I thought we went over this shit, my Brother.

-nodding, he looked to the floor, seeming very much like a scolded, guilty child- I know...I know Vishous...It's just...they're so fragile and -looking up to Vishous , he frowned again- the chains...I think...I think she might have choked. -he cringed at his own words, a slight wrinkle of his brow, indicating that shit just didn't look good-

[Scrubbing my bare hand down my face, the weariness dissipating ahead of the adrenaline that's being pumped through me as realization kicks in.] Back the fuck up. Did you say chains? [Narrowing my eyes on Murhder as he fidgets] Exactly what the fuck did you do? [Bracing myself for the worst, knowing the penchant Murhder has for human females doesn't always translate to a happy ending.]

-starting to pace, he shook his head- I don't get it…she brought hand cuffs...stole them from her father...told me to bind her...shit, the female was -he flashed a grin- unhinged...-laughs- see that's funny because they were hinged cuffs..-realizing he's not getting a laugh in return, he continues- binding her...I think the chain around her throat was just too...maybe a little too tight? -paces more-

[An expression of inevitability crossing my features, knowing it'd only be a matter of time before this happened again, I haul myself out of the chair to stand face to face with Murhder] She brought her own equipment, that she stole from her father.. [turning the words over in my mind, my eyes growing wider as a nasty thought passes through.] Where did you find this female, M?

-knowing Vishous isn't going to like the answer, he cringes once more- she works for city hall...and her -uses finger quotes- "daddy" is the chief of Police...she's a real firecracker...firework? firecracker...which is the word?...anyway...a real...tiger cat. -makes claws- rawr...

[My hands tightening into fists at my side, shaking my head as you describe what could be a nightmare sitch of epic proportions, I growl viciously.] You really fucked up, my Brother. [Stepping away to pace heavily through the room.] You remember how we told you to keep clear of the human females? Yeah, that's because human disappearances and deaths bring human authorities. [Not halting my rant as my legs carry me past you time and time again, ticking off my points against my fingers] Human authorities bring investigation and that only leads to nothing but trouble for us, feel me? Fuck. [Stopping mid stride, snapping my head toward you] Where is the body? Where did you dump her, Murhder?

-Watching Vishous pace, he chewed at a hangnail on his pinky, noting each point with a shrug or a nod. Finally when asked a question directly, he lowered his hand and once again looked to the floor- she's...still on my kitchen table...the bomb...I was gonna...-looks up to Vishous with an almost child like expression- would you help me?...If not...crematorium...I know a guy..

[My chin dropping to my chest as my eyes squeeze shut, both hands coming up to circle my fingertips over my temples as a shooting pain lances through my head. Voice dropping lower...] Are you certain she's still there? That she hasn't been found? It's been nearly a week.

-one shoulder shrug to answer Vishous' question- you look tired...I'll let you rest...we can talk tomorrow...-it was obvious that the convo was stressing the brother the fuck out...perhaps...yeah...maybe he shouldn’t have mentioned it.-

[Moving swiftly to block the doorway with my body, I face off with Murhder before he can leave] Answer me. Do you know she's still there? [Holding my palms up, ready to knock the Brother back if he makes a single move to exit the room] Need to know, feel me? If she's still there, we need to take care of this. To keep it under wraps, true.

-frowning at Vishous as he blocks the door, he shakes his shaggy head- I've not been back, but I'm certain she is still there I mean… she didn't just get up and walk away -tries to make a joke- apartment, it's in the ground...always cool...steel doors always locked...the guys in the shop would never bother my quarters...I'm certain... Vishous...certain she's there-

[The attempt at graveyard humor falling short as my mind races, knowing we have to wait out the lethal hours that the sun is in the sky, preparing myself to plan the clean-up for yet another one of "Murhder's Mistakes".] ---TBC---
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Murhder's 'Mistake' - Vishous & Murhder 1.18.12
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