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 Murhder's Mistake - Part 3 2.2.12

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Join date : 2012-02-08

Murhder's Mistake - Part 3   2.2.12   Empty
PostSubject: Murhder's Mistake - Part 3 2.2.12    Murhder's Mistake - Part 3   2.2.12   Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 2:03 am

[Taking form outside the motorcycle shop that housed Murhder's crash pad, the scents of motor oil and beer assault my sinuses from the street. Cold, diamond eyes scan the surrounding area, nodding once as I satisfy myself that there are no humans.. nor lessers.. in the vicinity. I walk around the building to the rear entrance, eyeing the locks that secure the steel doors of Murhder's digs. Leaning against the stained bricks, I cock a shitkicker up against the wall, absently pulling a hand rolled from behind my ear to light it for a long, slow inhale while I wait for the Brother to show.]

-The black Suburban made it's way through the back alley, the mirrored windows reflecting little light despite the tint. Murhder knew most of his shit would fit in the back, save for his bike which was already at the mansion. Tonight would be the last time the place would even exist...when the one gloved brother laid hands on matter the whole thing went nuclear. Yeah, it was a fucking sight to see. Pulling monster to the back of the building, he caught sight of V in the shadows. Slipping out, he grinned wicked- let's fuck this dog!

[Shaking my head with a smirk, I park the butt between my lips and clap my bare palm to Murhder's shoulder, barking out a laugh] Heard you had your desperate times, my Brother, but I'd never have pegged you for the canine variety. [Nodding to the steel doors] Why don't you unlock the bitch and we'll get to work. Phury and Tohrment have a job for me as soon as we finish this up... four hours to dawn gives us plenty of time, true?

-laughing as he moved to the heavy garage door, he it like it was tissue paper- gotta get the bitches when you can, feel me? -moving back to the suburban, he pulled it into the bay and closed the door behind them before leasing V down the stairwell to his apartment-

[Following behind the massive, shaggy warrior, I have to chuckle as his shoulders brush the sides of the stairwell all the way down to his apartment. Narrowing my eyes as I steel myself for the sight within, the little 'mistake' we've come here to cover up, lest human law enforcement decided to poke their noses where they sure as fuck don't belong.]

-Wrinkling his nose at the smell, he cringed- ok, maybe she's been here a little longer than I least I put that sheet over her. -pointing to the female shaped lump on the kitchen table, he moved around her toward the bedroom. Priority was saving his dozen or so concert t-shirts...the prize being Led Zeppelin from 1975 in London. Calling from the bedroom, he gathered up his clothes and stuffed them into a leather bag- shouldn't take much…the motor fuel from up top should make pretty kaboom!

[Clamping my gloved palm over my nose and mouth, the reek of rotting flesh filling the small room with a blanket of putrid foulness, muttering..] Jesus FUCK, humans stink when they're dead! [eyeing the doorway that Murhder had passed through, the thought passes through my mind that we'd made it just in the nick of time. Another day and the maggots that writhed beneath and around the sheet covered female would be buzzing, angry flies. Surely the humans that worked in the shop above had recognized the stench, how could they not? Speaking as much to Murhder as to myself.. ] This shit can't happen again, Brother. We don't need the attention, feel me?

-He nodded as he pulled his shirt collar over his nose and mouth- I understand Vishous...perhaps Chosen are more...uhh...sturdy. -looking around the small bedroom, he gathered up weapons, cassette tapes and anything else he didn't want ashed and came back into the living area.- You know...the Old Country...I never had this problem...

[Wincing, still adapting to the stink that permeates the room, I nod to Murhder with a grimace.] You got everything you want to take with you, my man? There's no coming back for anything after this, true. [The bare fingers of my left hand gripping the edge of my glove to peel back the leather, my right palm already glowing with an ethereal light]

-eyeing the hand with child-like excitement he nodded- das es everything...burn baby burn...

[Dragging in a deep breath, I motion for Murhder to move closer to the stairwell] When I do this, it's going up fast, my Brother. You need to be ready to bolt. [Swallowing thickly, despising having to use this unholy weapon under any circumstance, yet oddly grateful for the ability to annihilate evidence and enemy alike in the span of a heartbeat.

Grasping the glove tightly in my left hand, I flex my glowing fingers tightly before spreading them wide, the heat emanating from my hand a freak force of nature that is scorching the sheet that covers the body before it's within three feet of touching the fabric. Focusing tightly on the body, I place my palm against what I believe is the shoulder of the female human corpse. The sheet catches fire instantaneously, the glow from my hand growing in intensity until there's nothing to be seen but a single ball of pure white fire that swiftly engulfs the body, the table, flaming bits hitting the worn floorboards to smolder and ignite. Tilting my head, watching the inferno grow by the second, a random thought of napalm rolls past, a macabre chuckle bursting out thinking I'd have been an asset to human warriors and their never ending quest for dominance.

Stepping back slowly, shitkickers sliding away from the quickly spreading flames, my back hits up against Murhder's. Whipping around, I give the gawking brother a shove with my left hand, leather glove clenched tight, and command] FUCKING GO! Enough sightseeing, man...

-tearing his eyes away from the growing flames, he pounds up the stairway, the brother on his heels and throws his belongings into the awaiting suburban before flinging open the garage door and backing out into the night. With one last nod to Vishous he smiles- my thanks brother...I'll meet you at the palace-

[Calling out after the big Brother, a dark grin tugging at my lips] Remember, NO MORE MISTAKES! Next time you become the Roman Candle, feel me? [Squinting against the smoke, my hand still brightly lighting the alley, I place my palm against the bricks that surround the garage door, an incendiary glow growing quickly as the structure absorbs the blistering heat. Brick blackening, wood sparking to life... steel warping and glass shattering as the entire building becomes a beacon in the night. Channeling the energy from my cursed hand into building the flames hotter, spreading the inferno into a full blown nightmare before I hear the first faint whining of the human fire department speeding to the rescue. Won't be much to find outside of rubble and ash. My nose scents on the fuel tanks within, stepping back to dematerialize mere seconds before they blow the roof sky high, a fireworks display that Caldwell hasn't seen since last summer, on display for the entirety of downtown this chilly February evening.] #MurhdersMistake #BBDB
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