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 Role Play Awards Part 2 3.25.12

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Join date : 2012-02-08

Role Play Awards Part 2    3.25.12 Empty
PostSubject: Role Play Awards Part 2 3.25.12   Role Play Awards Part 2    3.25.12 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 03, 2012 10:52 am

Phearsom Wins!!

*Entering the hall and taking a seat near the back. Looking around for anyone I might know* @Murhder There you are, are you jailed?

@PrudenceBDB -shakes off some sort odd fore field- fuck that was weird

@Murhder *Wraps my arm through yours* See why I didn't want you to change yet...

@PrudenceBDB -leads them inside - monkey suit

@Murhder *whispering* Very handsome monkey suit

Samantha Kane‏@samanthakane25
Ok... Night peeps I'm going to bed to finish reading ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A VAMPIRE .... yummmmmmmmmmmmm

Fore Lesser‏@ForeLesser
@samanthakane25 - Good night Sammy *winks*

Samantha Kane‏@samanthakane25
@ForeLesser *jumps* O thanks.... nnnnnight

Fore Lesser‏@ForeLesser
@samanthakane25 - We'll talk about your choice in reading later.....

Samantha Kane‏@samanthakane25
@ForeLesser *shakes* But....... its only till I get the new #BDB... 2 days to wait

Fore Lesser‏@ForeLesser
@samanthakane25 - Very well....this time

Samantha Kane‏@samanthakane25
@ForeLesser *stumbles back* this time.... but I've 6 more love at the stake books to read....

Fore Lesser‏@ForeLesser
@samanthakane25 - I suppose since there is no BDB ForeLesser book...yet...I can't fault you for your measly choices. I'll have to fix that.

@ForeLesser Don't bug @samanthakane25 she's a nice girl.

Samantha Kane‏@samanthakane25
@PrudenceBDB *smiles* Thanks...

Fore Lesser‏@ForeLesser
@PrudenceBDB - I was merely wanting to raise her standards.

Samantha Kane‏@samanthakane25
@ForeLesser *hands up waving them in front of me* Wait... fix how.. *steps back*

You tell him @PrudenceBDB RT @ForeLesser Don't bug @samanthakane25 she's a nice girl.

Fore Lesser‏@ForeLesser
@samanthakane25 - Don't get your knickers in a twist...I meant that 'I' may have to write my book. RT: fix how.. *steps back*

Samantha Kane‏@samanthakane25
@ForeLesser *groans* Well can you blame me... You still have @Phury_ and are hurting him..... @WithoutSunlight Hell he is so scary....

@samanthakane25 He likes to THINK he's scary. @PrudenceBDB @ForeLesser

Samantha Kane‏@samanthakane25
@WithoutSunlight *shakes* He is.... and poor @Phury_ ... @PrudenceBDB @ForeLesser

Arthur aka Phearsom‏@ArthurTheGoat
*Sits at the bottom of the grand staircase watching for raisins*

Michael Andrews‏@RoleplayHost
Now to announce the Misc. Winners... The winner for Favorite Pet goes to @ArthurtheGoat. #RoleplayAwards

"@RoleplayHost: The winner for Favorite Pet goes to @ArthurtheGoat. #RoleplayAwards" YES!!!!!

@RoleplayHost @ArthurtheGoat ARTHUR! You did it!!!

Cameo Lord‏@Cameo_Lords
RT WHOOOOHOOO ! The winner for Favorite Pet goes to @ArthurtheGoat. #RoleplayAwards

Fore Lesser‏@ForeLesser
Well, well...the little goat did it! Congrats! @ArthurtheGoat#RolePlayAwards

@RoleplayHost OMG!! MY little goaty friend!!!!! @ArthurtheGoat

Michael Andrews‏@RoleplayHost
That concludes the #RoleplayAwards!

Arthur aka Phearsom‏@ArthurTheGoat
*Hops happily up and down hearing my name* Bleats happily, hopes for watermelon balls!* @RoleplayHost

@PrudenceBDB -strips off the coat and untucks his shirt - whew its over..we go home now yes?

@Murhder Yes, we can go home now.. You can pick the movie. How about Arbys?

@ArthurTheGoat Really proud of you little goat!

Coffin Girl‏@CoffinGurl
YAY!!! Go Arthur!!! Waaahhooo!!! #BDBB #RPAwards

Samantha Kane‏@samanthakane25
@ArthurTheGoat well done.... #FavoritePet

@PrudenceBDB -slips his arm around her waist and ushers her to the door- Fast times at Ridgemont High...and yeah..beef and cheddar

@Murhder Just not in the hall.. *laughing*

@PrudenceBDB -comes out of the bedroom wearing only black sweats, the suit laid out on the bed- ahhhh...yes.

*laughing* Com on, @Murhder it wasn't THAT bad. You looked nice, and now you can relax. *Handing over the large bag of Arbys food* @Murhder

@PrudenceBDB -takes the bag, grins and makes himself at home on her couch- you're too good to me

*Cuddles in next to you and reaches over to start the Netflix* Thank you for taking me. I have a really nice time. It was nice to meet your brothers.

@PrudenceBDB -pulls her in close- my brothers in their prime..-nods- it was nice to see them.

@Murhder A very colorful bunch. I bet you were just like them, huh? *grinning at the thought of a younger @Murhder before all the trauma*

@PrudenceBDB -laughs thinking of @Murhder_ - Uh..I'm sure the brothers would tell a different story...

@Murhder *grinning and grabbing a throw blanket to cover my feet* A few of them already did. I heard a few short tales of you last night...

@PrudenceBDB -looks horrorfied- oh.....yeah? I'm almost afraid to ask...

@Murhder *Turning to rest my back against your side, so you cant see my face* Ask all you want, but I'm not telling... * laughing softly*

@PrudenceBDB -smirky grin- sounds like a challenge...I have ways...of making her-

@Murhder *Dropping the remote and trying to squirm away, laughing* No, No, not...telling... *trying to get the blanket to protect myself from his fingers. Having a hard time through the laughing* stop.. not giving away secrets... @Murhder

@PrudenceBDB -he laughed along with her but stopped with a smirk- ok ok..fine..I'll get it out of you eventually #GladTheAwardsAreOver

Coffin Girl‏@CoffinGurl
*Gives @ArthurTheGoat a freakin fruit salad of melon balls* You deserve it! *scratches behind his ears*

Arthur aka Phearsom‏@ArthurTheGoat
*Wiggles ears happily. Hops around the room dropping homemade fudge (origins top secret) into the laps of everyone present and on the TL*

Coffin Girl‏@CoffinGurl
The goat is making me laugh... Homemade fudge?!? *arches brow*

Alice Absinthe‏@Absinthe_Alice
-pads quietly into the ballroom, eyes wide as I take in the fine adornments I'd missed last night. moving through the crowd with a whisper of silk, I slip into a plush seat at the same table I'd sat at with @Tohrment_... a quirky smile touching my lips when I pull a full bottle of Lucid from a pouch tied to my waist- #RolePlayAwards

@Absinthe_Alice Hi Alice..... where have you been?

Alice Absinthe‏@Absinthe_Alice
@WithoutSunlight -smiles crookedly, twisting a curl around my finger- Ummm... recuperating!

Arthur aka Phearsom‏@ArthurTheGoat
*Sits under a table chewing on a strange leather looking bag sitting on the floor. Wonders what is in it. Sticks head inside*

@Absinthe_Alice The little goat won an award!

Alice Absinthe‏@Absinthe_Alice
@WithoutSunlight -bounces excitedly, clapping my hands and squealing- YES!!!!!!!!!!! So did I miss everything???

@Absinthe_Alice Yes, they are all finished announcing

Alice Absinthe‏@Absinthe_Alice
@WithoutSunlight -throws my head back, roaring with laughter- Of course they are. -glances around the empty ballroom, curious as to why I'm alone.. the tables littered with empty glasses, tablecloths in disarray.-
-shrugs lightly, opening my bottle and drinking deeply.. making the best of the evening alone-@ArthurTheGoat -grins brightly, calling out across the TL- Congratulations, little one! I'm so happy you won!

Arthur aka Phearsom‏@ArthurTheGoat
@Absinthe_Alice *head stuck in leather bag...hopes you find piece of fudge of undetermined origin on the napkin in front of you*

Alice Absinthe‏@Absinthe_Alice
-narrowing speckled eyes as I swipe my lips with the back of my hand, mumbling..- I see idiots on my TL! -slapping my hand down, giggling madly, I give a small ..- Oops! - as my fingers squish into the fudge square on the table- Oh! -looks all around, checking to ensure I'm truly alone, I laugh and bring my fingers to my mouth... licking the delicious, creamy fudge that's squished between with a blissful groan-laughs to hear the sound of my voice echo in the ballroom, listening to the reverberations as I swallow another mouthful of liquor- #BeautifulPeopleInMyTL @ArthurTheGoat . Okay, not 'technically' a person, but one of my very favorite faces that grace my world.!

*going over to sit down beside @Absinthe_Alice* One of these day you and I have to go out together and have fun.

Alice Absinthe‏@Absinthe_Alice
@WithoutSunlight -blinks, caught with fudge covered fingers slipping from my mouth- Yes! Yes yes yes we do! -nodding decisively-

@Absinthe_Alice *looks at the chocolate fingers* I see @ArthurTheGoat found you. Isnt he cute!

Alice Absinthe‏@Absinthe_Alice
@WithoutSunlight -laughing, wiggling sticky fingers- He is my hero. He brought me chocolate! I am forever in his debt! @ArthurTheGoat
-carefully setting the Lucid aside, I fold my arms against the table and rest my forehead against them.. yawning-

Alice Absinthe‏@Absinthe_Alice
#SometimesIWonder why I haven't been institutionalized. -shifty glance around the room-slips into dreams as the green fairy beckons- #AliceAway

(picks up the wee little @arthurthegoat, and gives him a hug) I knew could do it little buddy. I am so proud of you.

Arthur aka Phearsom‏@ArthurTheGoat
@Tohrment_ *nuzzles your hand, wiggles ears happily*

@ArthurTheGoat (whispers so no one can hear me) You're the best goat ever.

@Tohrment_ I love that you love @ArthurTheGoat!!!!!

Arthur aka Phearsom‏@ArthurTheGoat
*Jumps up to the table the giants were sitting at. Pulls the flowers on the table ouf of the vases...eats a few. Hops down with the rest*

#ShoutOut Thank you to @RolePlayAwards and @RolePlayHost for their hard work tonight. You are appreciated, true.

-tickling @ArthurTheGoat between his horns- I was very proud of you last night buddy. You did us proud at the #RolePlayAward-

Calls the phone number that is wrote on the palm of my hand, and after it rings a few time, the voicemail kicks in.- smiling as I hear @Absinthe_Alice's husky voice...'leave your message after the tone' Hey there beautiful. I think I left my cufflinks at your place last night. I'm going to want them back sometime. Call me. @Absinthe_Alice
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