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 Murhder Vishous and Tohr 2.24.12

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Join date : 2012-02-08

Murhder Vishous and Tohr  2.24.12 Empty
PostSubject: Murhder Vishous and Tohr 2.24.12   Murhder Vishous and Tohr  2.24.12 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 25, 2012 11:56 pm

-scuffing the black blood from his shitkicker onto the wet pavement, he turned in time to hack and slash another stinky fucker across his gut, spilling out black rolls of intestine and other useless bodily organs, the liquid slashing atop his boot. Growling, he uppercut the opposite dagger into the lessers chest, sending him back to the Omega quicker than usual. Intentionally stomping into a puddle, he didn't care that the oily, nasty alley water was aimed right at Vishous's ass. The brother was easily holding his own even after showing up smelling of sex and blood. At least some fucker was getting fucked in the good way. Turning to watch as the last of the fell to Vishous' blade and was just as quickly sent to hell, he wiped his daggers onto his leathers and sheathed them- too quick..

[A snarl rips from my throat as the filthy water flows down the back of my leathers, stabbing the roaring lesser back to it's maker, I turn to face Murhder] The fuck, Brother? [shaking my legs out as the water seeps down, slimy and cold, I square off with your grinning ass] Was it fucking NECESSARY, REALLY? [growling angrily, I square off chest to chest, daggers still clenched in my fists]

-nose to nose with Vishous, his fists clenched, he laughed - there was blood on my boot. What's da matter, afraid you'll melt princess?

[Swiping my daggers across your chest, laying down thick lines of lesser blood over your shirt] Won't melt, but you're givin' me swamp ass, fuckstick. [sheathing my daggers, my fists balling as my shoulders bunch, legs tensing as I ready to launch myself]

-looks down at his stained shirt as Vishous wipes his daggers across it. Snarling, he raises his head in time to see V ready for a fight. His words were growled, echoing dully in the alley way- bring it fucker..-his fingers curled in the "come and get me" motion-

[an unconscious push thickens the mhis as my mouth curves into a vicious grin, dagger fangs bared with a hiss. Charging toward Murhder, I grunt with satisfaction as my bare fist meets your jaw with a powerful uppercut, taking a step forward as you're pushed back, gloved fist meeting your solar-plexus with a swift jab, smirking smugly as I growl out..] Long fucking time coming...

-His head snapped back in a cracking pop as Vishous’s uppercut hit home, followed by a doubling blow to the stomach. With a grunt he shook his head, clearing it of little birdies as gigantic hands shot out to grab two handfuls of Vishous's shirt. Despite the already dull ache in his head and neck, he reared back and crashed his skull into V's brow. The sick, coconut-like sound reverberated through the dimly lit alley- and DAT is for leaving me out on the females!...fucker..-he spit out a bloody wad onto the pavement, surprised it didn't include several of his teeth-

[Head spinning as I shake off the ringing in my ears, I stumble back, shitkicker catching an edge of uneven pavement sending me crashing down, landing flat on my back in the everfucking puddle Murhder'd scuffed earlier. Cursing a blue streak, I haul myself to my feet, rotating on one foot to swing my leg out, catching you behind the calf with a well placed kick.. barking out ..] You want a crack at one of my females? You don't know what you're askin' for, Brother. [Driving the steel toe of my shitkicker into your thigh]

-the sweep caught him off guard, the crack to V's head still ringing in his own ears. All air left him as his back hit the pavement, the pain in his thigh telling him V was fighting dirty...well, dirtier than he was. Snaking a hand out blindly, he caught the bottom of the brother's leathers and yanked, pulling him off balance before rolling to his knees and quickly to his feet. Crouching, he snarled, ready for anything- fuck Russian women?

[Dropping to my knees, hands shooting out to prevent my face from planting in the rancid puddle, my leg snaps back, boot aimed straight for Murhder's knee. Pushing up to land wide stanced, diamond eyes sharp and narrowed as I stalk toward you, my voice gravelly and taunting..] Yeah, I fuck RUSSIAN females. Could always toss you the sloppy seconds, true.

fuck! -he limped a little after getting mule kicked in the knee- bad form asshole…and who the fuck cares. Sloppy seconds are still fuckable my brother and at least...Russian women are more sturdy..-walks it off-

[hearing the all to familiar sounds of a struggle, I take off on a dead run to where I hear it coming from]

[Leaning back against the cinderblock, watching Murhder limp the fuck around with a smirk, I nod] Fuckable yeah, still prefer my females fresh and tight, feel me? [chuckles, pulling a hand rolled from my jacket, placing it to my lips before spitting it out with a sharp curse]

[rounding the corner, I see Vishous and Murhder in a brawl, giving new meaning to Clash of the Titans] Holy fuck, knock it off.

Mother FUCKER! That was the last one. [growling with frustration, my head snaps up the instant I see Murhder demat and Tohrment appear]

What the fuck was that? A lover's tat?

Nice trick, Brother. [cocks a brow] ‘the fuck you doin' out tonight? You on rotation?

I had... things to attend to. [walking over to V] Brother, you look like hell and smell like shit.

[holding my arms out wide, the water still dripping from my leathers] Ah fuck, does that mean you ain't gonna hug me?
[smirks slightly, my sniffing the scents the breeze carry to me] Ahh... business, yeah? She taste good, my Brother?

[quirking a sly grin] You have not fucking idea. And no... I am not going to hug you. I am your leahdre, not your Mamen. If you want cuddles, go find her, true?

[nods, hauling myself up from the wall with a wince, the tussle with Murhder a fucking tease after taking the lessers out,
adrenaline pumping, ready to fight... but needing to change my fucking clothes] Yeah.. find her. Not happening, Brother.

[slapping his shoulder] You good here, cause I have to report to Darius.

[My body itching for more, whether it be fighting or fucking, the edge was there.. barely dulled. I give a one finger salute to Tohrment before dematerializing back to the gatehouse, intent on cleaning up and heading back out while the dawn is still hours away.] #BBDB
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