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 St. Patrick’s Day Aftermath – Murhder, Phearsom, Vishous 3.17.12

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St. Patrick’s Day Aftermath – Murhder, Phearsom, Vishous   3.17.12 Empty
PostSubject: St. Patrick’s Day Aftermath – Murhder, Phearsom, Vishous 3.17.12   St. Patrick’s Day Aftermath – Murhder, Phearsom, Vishous   3.17.12 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2012 9:08 pm

-Green beer, Green whiskey and even fucking green Ouzo, pizza, corn beef and cabbage and green shamrock cookies...yeah. It sloshed around in his gut as he made his way from the mansion back to the gatehouse, seeing two of everything. It was a good idea to take the night and celebrate one of the few human observations that actually made sense...he fucking hated snakes...and he raised his glass more than once to old Saint Patrick tonight. Shuffling down the hall, stripping down to boxers as he went, he slid into bed onto his side, grabbing a pillow into his arms and crashing immediately, the snores becoming loud in an instant-

*Watches as the kitty giant goes through the tunnel door... darts inside the door before it can close. Follows Murhder at a safe distance*
*Peeks around the corner as the kitty giant falls into his bed. Waits a few minutes until the great vibrations start. Hops on a pile of clothes and up onto the bed. Sees Murhder curled on his side. Hops over...nestles into the crook of his legs. [Safe!] Falls asleep*

-Dreams of sturdy females and slaying lessers as his stomach churns full of cabbage and green liquor never knowing Phearsom is curled on the bed at his ass. The rumble that vibrates the bed isn't from snoring this time-

*Hears a rumbling in my sleep. Is suddenly blown across the bed onto the floor. [BOMB!] Hops back up on the bed, bleating and sounding the alarm! Jumps up Murhder's legs and onto his belly, bouncing up and down. Puts hoofs on his forehead, sneezes the cottage cheese into his hair...resumes bouncing on him. Bites his nose*

-At the sound of the Goat thudding to the floor he jerked awake just before being bombarded by the tiny creature as he bouned on his belly and what the fuck was that white shit? Blinking thorugh the darkness he can't fathom the sight of a glowing green goat.- Ouch! fuck! -he sat up swatting at his face as the goat tumbled from his chest- WHATTHEHOLYFUCK! VISHOUS!!!

*tumbles down the length of the bed, gets back up. Nips at your toes...runs up and down the bed bleating in terror*

fuck! [Overindulgence in the St. Patty's day feast that had been set out left me groggy and three sheets to the wind when I'd passed out on the couch. The panicked bellowing of Murhder has me scrambling to gain my footing as my hand slips.. giving way to a massive face plant on the floor. Letting loose with a string of curses, I push myself up and take off at a full run down the hall.

*Continues bouncing around Murhder trying to get him out before the next blast! Bleats and pulls on boxers*

Slamming into Murhder's room, I stop dead in my tracks. My mind and my eyes refusing to comprehend what I'm seeing. A green glowing blur bouncing over the Brother's bed looking like some kind of weird ass UFO, Murhder swatting at the intruder while shaking his head.. white globs flying to splat against the wall.] What the fuck is going on here? JESUS... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?

-Now screaming and kicking in a panic, he shouts while trying to avoid the green glowing demon- I DON'T KNOW!! Vishous

*Locks teeth onto the edge of Murhder's boxers, tries to pull him off the bed. Sees Vishous ...bleats even louder*

[Tripping over the pile of laundry that sits... EVERYFUCKINGWHERE, my hand shoots out and catches the edge of the bed, coming face to face with my screeching Brother. Taking a glancing blow from a flying knee, I reach toward the green glow, fingers closing around air as it leaps past.]

-Wiggles and maneuvers free of his boxers, arms and legs flailing and kicking as he screams like a harpy-

*Leaps off the bed, runs circles around Vishous ... hops back on the bed bleating at high pitch. Hops onto the headboard*
*Stands on the headboard, bleating down at a screaming Murhder. Sneezes out more cottage cheese...leaps onto his chest and onto the bed*

-screams and swats at Phearsom as he jumps back down, swearing that the demon was here for him- VISHOUS!!

[Fixing my sight on the glowing phenomenon, I reach to clap a hand against Murhder's thigh.. gaining a fistful of his naked ass instead. Pulling back with a sharp intake of breath, my lungs are filled with the unmistakable stench of beer, corned beef and cabbage. Gagging past the vomit reflex, I choke out.] fuck MURHDER! HOLY fuck! [Staggering back, I catch the glowing, bouncing object in my arms and slam my hand against the wall switch, illuminating Murhder in all his naked-freaked-the-fuck-out glory and the trashed room. Blinking against the glare, booze soaked eyes make out a fuzzy green and black bundle that's wiggling and bleating madly] HOLY shit! 'THA fuck? [Tossing the critter back toward Murhder]

*Lands on the bed. Bleats at the screaming kitty giant with the green hoof prints on his chest and forehead. Looks back at Vishous *

-screaming like a little girl, he swats the demon away and bolts to the bathroom, locking himself inside-

[Scrubbing my bare hand over my face, my brow crashes low as I focus on the green and black bouncing ball of bleating creature, my voice roughened and growly.] Phearsom, is that you? [My head whips up as Murhder's bathroom door slams shut, the high pitched screams issuing from within a pitch I'd never thought a Brother capable of reaching. Waving a hand in front of my face, trying to clear the toxic fumes left in his wake, I crack the bedroom door open further.. gesturing to Phearsom to come out with a smirk.] Get the hell out of there... or do you WANT to be bald?

*hears your voice and the door cracked open. Leaps off the bed. Streaks past you in a panic, leaps over various clothes piles. and up onto a coffee table. Slides across it. Spies a pager...looks like a brownie. Swallows it. Hops down, streaks down the tunnel*
*Emerges at warp speed from the tunnel. Races up the stairs and down the long hallway. Hides under Darius's bed*

[Turns to leave Murhder to his panicked frenzy, I wade through the piles of clothes and empty fast food bags to stride back down the hall. Shaking my head as a slight grin tugs at my lips, mumbling..] Motherfucker. This has that Tootsie sucking asswipe written all over it. The Brother wants to play practical joker? [Grins wide, plans already forming] We'll see who tops who, true. #HappyStPatricksDay! #BDBB
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St. Patrick’s Day Aftermath – Murhder, Phearsom, Vishous 3.17.12
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