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 Phury, Tohrment, Murhder and Zsadist 2.21.12

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Phury, Tohrment, Murhder and Zsadist  2.21.12 Empty
PostSubject: Phury, Tohrment, Murhder and Zsadist 2.21.12   Phury, Tohrment, Murhder and Zsadist  2.21.12 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 21, 2012 11:55 pm

{Standing outside the door to Tohrment's room, I was sure that this nights rotation was fucked before it even started. I'd already spent he better part of the evening losing the battle with myself to NOT smoke myself into mind numbing bliss. Now I get to go out on patrol under the two watchful eyes of Papa T Bear. Laughing slightly at the thought of the fat little character from the children's books. Fitting since I felt like a school boy who'd been hauled before the Head Master. Okay, raising my hand to knock I have a minute of panic. Did I bring my Daggers?! Quickly patting my self down, relieved that they all seem to be in their proper places. fuck this cant end well at all} Tohrment, come on! Let's get this show on the road {Banging on the door as I yell}

{I sit at my desk, tossing my dagger at the dartboard, hitting the bulls eye over and over again, while waiting on Phury to get his happy ass here. *ping* Hit the bulls eye again. I have tried to miss on several occasions, but failed, so I just go with it. I find the repetitive motion cathartic and relaxing. It gives me time to think about all the new developments in the Brotherhood. Zsadist's Houdini act, Phury's Red smoke addiction, the new fucking ForeLesser, Murhder's proliferation of female bodies... Yeah, he doesn't think I know about that one, but I do. Not much gets past me in this group. I have my Jedi ways of getting intel.

I hear Phury rapping on my door and smile as I tell him it's open and let loose my dagger in time for it to imbed in the door near his left temple} Your getting better at that my brother, you didn't even flinch.

{Looking to the left and seeing the dagger sticking out of the side of the doorframe. Not about to tell Tohr that I hadn't even seen it coming.} Just getting used to your fucked up sense of humor, brother. We going on patrol or what?

{I point to my leather clad body and the multitude of weapons I have hid therein.} Nah, P.. just thought I would sit here and stroke my daggers for the hell of it. Of course we're heading out. If you’re straight that is? {I cock a brow and take a sniff and don't catch the cloying scent of Red smoke. I stand and stretch my back muscles}

Straight enough to still kick your ass, Tohrment

Come on Lady Godiva, lets get this show on the fucking road. {I good naturedly slap him on the back, chuckling at his grunt}

{Following Tohr from the room and heading for the stairs. Glad to finally be getting this night started so that I can get it ended}

{I can't help but grin and I hear Phury grumbling behind my back as he follows be down the hall of statues} What's that, Brother? I thought I heard you say, 'After you, my master.' But that can't be right, can it?

Not unless you can somehow translate that from "kiss mine" it can't. Just where are we starting this little party?

-looking up from the bottom of the stairs, he noted the weapons and gear. The brothers were no doubt going out to fight. Why the fuck did he have to wait? He needed the release and rotation was just fucking stupid. Stepping up to Tohr he lifted his chin- you need me to come with you yes? -he could ready himself in just a few minutes-

Hey Murhder, I bought a couple new guns for you today. Want to see them? I reach across my body, under my coat and pull out two middle fingers.} I had them custom made... just for you.

-watching him, he frowned seeing Tohrment pull out two bird fingers and growled- fuck you brother...this is fucked! Why do I have to wait like a pussy while you and he gets to have all the fun -motions to Phury with a flick of his hand-

Murhder I set up the rotation so that all you little rascals won't be running around Caldwell all willy nilly like. And because... I said so. {I reach up and stroke my flat top and say} I'm thinking of growing my hair out so I can look like you shag twins. What say you two? Think I can carry off the look?

-waves Tohrment and Phury off as he storms back to the billiards room- fuck this fucking mother fucking fucked up shit -slams the door-

{I lean over and nudge Phury} You don't think I pissed him off do you?

I don't think you actually care one way or the other. {Watching Murhder_ slam off and wishing I could be the one to sit this fucking evening out} Where we going "Dad"? I am not getting any younger here.

There was an attack on a civilian at the new dig site in town. A real bloody fucking finesse mess there. Try and keep up. {I demat out} {I stand in the shadows until Phury materializes next to me} This is where it went down.

{Watching as Tohrment is gone before I can even think. Demating to the spot of the attack, still speaking to myself.} Cock Sucker...

-Planting a shitkicker tight against either side of the sweet-smelling chest of yet another fucking lesser, the dark brown hair of a fresh recruit matted to his face with oily, black blood. Hissing through viciously bared fangs..- Getting sick of offing you fucks, how 'bout pass that onto your daddy when you get home. -Rifling through the pockets as I bat away struggling hands, the spine sever I'd gone for not a clean slice. Bastard's moving like a fucking bug on a pin though. I find no wallet, no pager, nothing.. - fuck! -Wait.. a business card. Stuffing it into the ass pocket of my leathers, I jack the dagger in my right hand up, the point digging into the skin beneath the lesser's jaw, spitting out..- Where the fuck are you all coming from? -Expecting no answer and getting just that, my head whips to the side as my blood registers the presence of ... fuck. me. Brothers. Icy black eyes scan and lock onto the two forms moving in the shadows-

{Catching a movement in the dark shadow of the piss smelling back alley, I reach my hand out in a fist, signaling Phury to cease all movement. I narrow my eyes, focusing into the inky darkness until I catch the familiar gaze of the scarred brother, Zsadist {He pulls his lips back as his fangs shoot down and hisses. I hold out one hand in an appeasing gesture, while my other hand stays rested on my holster, ready to draw if need be, not once taking my eyes off him} It's okay, son. Draw back your fangs.

{Catching Tohr's signal to be still just as the sick smell of the enemy hits me. Not just the sweet baby powder smell, but the disgusting vile smell of oily blood. Looking around for the source, unable to stop my feet from moving forward as I lock eyes on a shadowed form. Not needing to see any clearer the face of my twin. Knowing it is him by the physical pull I feel in my center, by the connection we have always shared. Roughly shoving past Tohr and to hell with any danger in the possible movement. I rush toward the brother I've been needing to find. The one person who I am positive I need in order to keep myself whole}

-On my feet in an instant, shoulders hunched, daggers ready to defend against what I know is coming.- Back the fuck OFF. -Feral snarls ripping from my throat as my body tenses in readiness- I'm NOT going there. -Recognizing my twin, helpless to draw back the venom flowing from my pores, the poison shooting from my mouth. Halting to a dead stop, my stance defensive and furious.- You. Of course they'd send you to drag me back into the happy little family you all have. fuck YOU. I DON'T NEED YOU. -Chest heaving with frustrated confusion, I palm my daggers, straightening silently.. my shoulders drawing up to face off with the one I shared a womb with.-

{Hearing the words of the Wizard being screamed at me from the mouth of my twin hits me like ice water. Unable to move or to even look away. The only thing registering in my suddenly crystal clear mind is the movement of the lesser on the ground at our feet. Not taking my eyes from Zsadist's I make a motion to get Tohrment's attention} Kill that piece of shit will ya?

{Pulling my dagger from my chest holster, I storm over to the Lesser writhing on the ground, as I pass by brothers I spit out} You two need to finish this. {I raise my dagger and drive it home, sending the Lesser back to his maker}

-My shaved head shaking imperceptibly as eyes black as the depths of Dhund search shining citrine stars, my voice cold, dead, hollow.- No. Whatever the fuck you're here to say, or ask, or beg, or demand. The answer is no. -My jaw clenching, razor fangs slicing into my own flesh with the effort of just standing here. Standing still. Not moving, not fighting, not chasing.- You're wasting your fucking time, brother. I'm done with it. I'm done with the Brotherhood, and I'm done with you. I don't need you, don't want you around me. -Harsh words intended to wound, to scar.. to force you to leave me to my own path of misery. I know damn well 'they' will take care of you, maybe 'they' can fix you. I can't, fuck.. how far do you really want me to drag you down? You want to be what I am? Mind reeling with so much left unsaid, my gut twisting as my muscles shake with the effort to NOT just give in.. this once.. let you lead instead of dragging my fucking heels and fighting every effort.- Yeah... your answer is no.

{I physically cringe at the hate filled words spewing from Zsadist’s mouth, hardly comprehending where they come from as I look at Phury} {I see the color drain from Phury's face as he just stands there and takes the verbal abuse. If Zsadist were my twin, I would have laid him out flat. But... I don't have the entanglements of blood relations to fuck with my head. But still, fucking harsh.}

{Watching the misery and almost panic rushing like a wave from Zsadist. Listening to the words I've known were coming my way eventually. This was all my fault. Everything I am has brought us to this moment. This horrible point in time. Understanding what the Wizard said to me all those years ago as I stood on the porch of our family home vowing to find my taken twin. Zsadist was better off without me. Surprisingly at peace with the knowledge.} No Brother, the answer you've given to me is so much more than No. {I demat without another word}

{Seeing the freaky calm come over Phury before he dematted out, and the words he spoke, had red bleeding into my vision.}

{I stand to my full height, legs planted like planks and hands balled into fist} What the fuck is your Damage, Zsadist? Are you so self absorbed that you can't see what the fuck you just did to him. You have it all wrong, you stupid mother fucker, YOU don't deserve to have him as a brother. {When Zsadist just stands there starring through me, all civility flies out the window as I pull my fist back and launch}

{I grab a hold of him by the collar to go at him some more, but the nothingness I see reflecting in his eyes give me pause}

{I push him into the alley wall behind him before I lose control and kill him. I grate out} Never mind, you're not fucking worth it. {I stare him down for a few seconds before I demat out to look for Phury}

-Nostrils flaring as my twin dematerializes, brows crash low to a blast of arctic air emanating from my body. Knuckles turned white as my grip on my daggers nearly crack my own bones. Hearing a voice, the words irrelevant and meaningless to me, I stare into the empty space my twin occupied mere seconds ago. A passing thought that this may truly be the last time I'll see him, a knot of pain forms in my chest. Blinded by the massive fist that pounds into my jaw, stumbling back struck dumb into the filthy cinderblock wall, I blink once.. twice, before the fact that I'm alone sinks in. Opening my mouth, blood dripping down my chin from my own fangs, over my throat thanks to the gash in my jaw, a ragged and painful scream is torn from my throat as I let myself go, not giving a fuck about where I put myself together again. Like that'll ever fucking happen. Wishful thinking from a damaged and hopeless mind.- #BBDB

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Phury, Tohrment, Murhder and Zsadist 2.21.12
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