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 Zsadist and Tohrment 3.26.12

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Zsadist and Tohrment   3.26.12 Empty
PostSubject: Zsadist and Tohrment 3.26.12   Zsadist and Tohrment   3.26.12 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 03, 2012 10:53 am

-Cinching my chest harness tightly, I slide my daggers into their sheaths and holster my Sigs. Patrolling has fallen to the wayside as my search for Phury has consumed my every waking moment. The fucking Brotherhood sure as hell isn't looking for him. I'd have run into one of them during the long, dark hours I've been on the streets. Cocksuckers. I knew they'd sure as fuck never send a search party for my sorry ass when I'd left, but Christ... Phury?

Aware of the growl that vibrates my chest, I snatch up my jacket and exit my tiny basement room, locking it behind me with my will. Stepping up on a crate, I pull myself through the street level window, my head pivoting on my neck as I turn my gaze toward the small group of humans that are walking the opposite direction across the street. Sucking back a double lungful of the night air, I dematerialize to Darius' mansion and pound up the front steps... my fist pounding relentlessly against the massive front doors. It's time to crawl up their asses and get them searching for the one twin who is still valuable enough to be worthwhile to them, and if I have to drag each one of them out by the fucking balls, I'm ready to do it.

Slamming my fist against the heavy door until my skin splits and blood flows in rivulets down my arm, spatters leaving bright red flecks on the wood, I begin to shout to gain the attention of anyone inside. Sneering into the security camera over my head, my voice fills with venom.- MOTHERFUCKERS! OPEN THIS GODDAMN DOOR BEFORE I TEAR IT OFF THE fucking HINGES!

Having just recently fallen asleep, exhaustion finally having it's way with me, I am awoken suddenly by a loud noise. Throwing off the sheets, I leap out of bed, instantly on alert as I race to the front door, where the source of the pounding is coming from.
The cold of the tiled floor barely registers on my bare feet when I here the scarred Brother, Zsadist shouting for entrance.

Racing to the door, hope suddenly filling my chest. He found Phury. I reach for the doorknob, the same time the door crashes in.

-Hauling back, I give the fourth of a series of well placed kicks of my boot to the wood near the handle, growling furiously as it finally gives with a deafening crack. Ebony eyes narrowed to slits, my body throwing off enough chill to keep a fucking penguin happy, I step immediately into the first face I see, getting up tight inTohrment's grill with an enraged growl.- Why the fuck haven't any of you been out looking for Phury? Jesus fucking CHRIST, did any of you self-centered cocksuckers even realize he's fucking GONE?

I come to a grinding halt, bare feet skidding, as over 200 pounds of pissed off male comes crashing through the front door. In the time it takes me to draw in a breath, Zsadist gets a hairs breath from my face, blue eyes meeting black. The snarl on his face making the scar that slices across his face that more lethal looking.*

What the fuck are you.. *Was all I got out before the Brother pulled back a meaty fist and connected with my jaw. Reeling back, being taken off guard, I back peddle before landing on the bottom step of the grand staircase. Shaking off the blow, I stand to fighting position.* Back the fuck off Z. That is not a request. *I fold my hands into fists, not wanting to fight my brother, but not about to be his bitch either.*

-My mind is beyond reason, all systems flashing red. The humming that runs through my fist, tapping into the rage I've held onto .. fuck. Forever. Eyeing Tohr as he pulls his shoulders back, his bare feet finding purchase against the marble floor as his legs tense.. readying himself for the knockdown drag out that I'm itching for. The words he spouts are fucking meaningless.

I jut my chin forward, fully lengthened fangs bared as I hiss..- fuck you. fuck your orders. -Planting my shitkickers wide, I shake my head slightly as my sight drills into you with deadly precision.- Save your breath, Tohr. I don't fucking answer to you. Not anymore.

Well, isn't this all Clash of the Titans shit, huh my Brother. *watching Z's eyes narrow in confusion, I relax my hands, trying like fuck to show him, that I am not his enemy. I relax my stance slightly, but still prepared to take him down if I have to.*

We know about Phury *raising my hands in a non threatening, back off manner* I think you should follow me. I have something to show you. *As Z tries his best to cage the beast, I turn towards the secret entrance, giving him my back as a sign of trust*

-Inhaling deeply, nostrils flaring as every fucking nerve ending I possess screams to take Tohr down... shit, to take any of them down. If I hadn't exhausted my options, hadn't been out every night from sunset until dawn searching for my twin, I'd have destroyed this place. Nodding once, my jaw clenched so tightly all that escapes is a snarl, I follow Tohrment through the door he's opened and spit out..- So help me, if you're bullshitting me, or wasting my time.. I'll tear your fucking sack off and feed it to you, feel me?

*offering over my shoulder as I walk the depths of the dark tunnel* You're welcome to try my Brother, but you will fail.

*I turn back, facing front as our long strides eat up the distance until we enter my office. Reaching over, I flip on the light and allow Z to enter first, reaching up, I rub my sore jaw as I walk to the maps attached to the cork boards.* Do you know what these are? *Remember too late that the Brother can't read.*

DON'T.. don't fucking call me Brother. -Throwing an irritated glare at Tohr, my eyes travel over the papers covering the wall.- What's all this shit? New fucking hobby? -Studying the map like it's written in Chinese.. which for all intents and purposes to me, it might as well be.- What the fuck, Tohr.

-Turning to face him, I shove my clenched fists into my jacket pockets and shake my head.- You said you KNOW Phury's missing. Huh. Funny thing, I haven't seen any of you.. not fucking ONE of the motherfucking Brotherhood out there looking for him. -Tilting my head, fury oozing from every pore- I'VE been out there every fucking night. -My voice growing pained..- He's alive. He's in fucking pain. -Meeting your eyes, ready to throw down again if I don't get answers-

*eyes narrowing to slits, I punch a finger out, stabbing Z square in the chest.* First... you ARE my Brother, whether you acknowledge it or not. Second *I walk over to the map and point to an X* Here is where you and I saw Phury last. We know he got wasted in a bar and was taken back to a Civilian's house to sober up and then vanished from there leaving his pager and daggers behind. *I point to all the squared off section on the map.* I have combed over every inch of these grids looking for him, pulled in every favor, threatened every fucking snitch and drug dealer on the streets looking for him. Why you and I haven't crossed paths, is a mystery to me.

*planting my feet squarely and placing my hands on my hips* Instead of fighting me, you should be joining me. Divide and conquer.

-Churning over the information I've just been force fed, I focus on one thing.- His daggers? -Scowling deeply, my fist comes back up to rub absently at the ache in my chest.. the pain there returned with a wallop.- He'd never leave his daggers... -turning to pace the newly laid flooring of what looks to space? My shoulders hunch in as a shockwave of stabbing pain jolts through my hand, shouting out..- fuck!

-Flexing my fingers, my back to Tohrment as the fingers of my good hand rub over the palm and back of what feels like a meat sack of crushed bones. My head whips around, my eyes focusing on Tohr's face as my upper lip contorts with pain.-

*Reaching out and placing my palms on Z's massive shoulder, I look into his pain riddled eyes.* What is it? Tell me!

-Shaking off the hand that lands on me, I nearly lose my shit and tear it from it's owner. Hissing out viciously..- My fucking hand... -Examining my hand, flexing the fingers as the throbbing ache eases, I slowly lift my eyes to Tohr.- I don't fucking kn... -Trailing off as the connection slams home.- It's Phury. fuck ME. IT'S PHURY.

-Brows crashing low, eyes becoming impossibly black holes carved into my skull as the blood drains from my face.- Son of a bitch.. -speaking slowly, my tongue thick and throat closing- He's under torture. Someone's fucking got him...

*My blood runs cold when Zsadist confirms what I have suspected all along, since Vhayne came to the Mansion. In a commanding voice, I say* Zsadist, look at and listen well. I need you to come back to us, here, within these walls where you belong. Join me and I swear to the Scribe Virgin that and I will bring Phury home. Not matter the consequences. *I place a hand on his shoulder again this time, he allows it to stay.* Please my Brother. I need your help.

-Glancing at the hand that's landed on me a second time, the growl that issues forth is unstoppable. fuck Z, calm your shit. If you want the Brotherhood's help to get your twin back, just suck it up, yeah? Swallowing back against the bile that's risen, I give shake of my head, blurting out before I've completed the thought.- No. I can't. I can't fucking live here. I'll work with you to get Phury back, shit, I'll even keep up the fighting. I've been doing it all along. -Not mentioning the wallets and pagers I've dumped on the front steps over the past three months.- I'll fight. I'll even pair the fuck up, in exchange for getting my brother back.

*Realizing that the concession that Z was making was as good as it was going to get at this point, I nod* Deal. I have a few requests though I want to know where your staying, and I want you to carry a pager, at all times, in case I need to contact you. Agreed?

-Gritting my teeth, I nod once.- Pager yeah, location? fuck. No. -holding out my hand for the plastic piece of shit, growling beneath my breath...- fucking hate being leashed with those things. -Taking the pager and stuffing it into the ass pocket of my leathers, I meet Tohr's eyes.- Got an idea where to start? Because I've been over every fucking inch of this city, with no luck.

If you and I haven't found him within the city limits, perhaps we need to broaden the spectrum, yes? *crossing my arms, I lean on the desk.* There's lots of wooded area to be explored my Brother, that hasn't been explored. *opening the door* I will get weaponed up and will Meet you downtown in front of the new club that just opened. ZeroSum it's called. *I walk behind Z until we enter into the Foyer.*
*picking up the shattered pieces of the door, I watch as Z walks over the top of the debris.* We WILL find @Phury_, Z. I promise you that *The brother doesn't look back, doesn't acknowledge me as he steps of the stone porch and dematerializes.*

-Boot heels crunching over the splintered wood, I hit the front steps and take to the breeze.. solidifying myself in a darkened doorway two blocks from the new nightclub. Zero Sum. Whatever the fuck that means. Rubbing at the residual ache in my hand, I lean back and close my eyes, brow knitted tightly as I murmur to nothing and no one...- Bringing you back, my brother. Returning the fucking favor.#BBDB
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