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 Phury & Zsadist 12.28.11

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Join date : 2012-02-08

Phury & Zsadist  12.28.11 Empty
PostSubject: Phury & Zsadist 12.28.11   Phury & Zsadist  12.28.11 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 8:55 pm

{I knocked back the last of my beer just as another in a long line of look-a-like females, smiles and wiggles her ass past my table. All of them stamped from the same mold - short mini skirt, half tops, leggings and hair ratted with enough hairspray to keep it in place during the worst gale. Sighing, it all made me feel...tired. Yeah Tired. That was the word. Here I sat surrounded on all sides by the music hyped, sex and alcohol fueled crowd in the Darkest Desires Nightclub and all I felt was tired.

I could almost hear the damn Wizard in my head telling me "sad, even for you my boy". God, I didn't even need him around anymore to hear him. Pushing back from the table, deciding to call it a night. I'd been on the prowl for almost two full weeks now, searching the seedier side of Caldwell's underbelly, looking for some sign of my twin. So far no luck. Hell, if it wasn't for the occasional messed up pallet or discarded apple core. I wouldn't even know he was still alive. He came and went at the little loft we called "home" like a ghost in the night. Which is about what he saw himself as, I guessed. A Ghost. Dead and invisible and haunting the living - accurate actually once you thought about it. I was surely haunted}

-Eyeing the swaying human female, her makeup piled on to cover bruises and the hollowed eyes of a long time heroin addict, I stuff the wad cash into her greedly palm. Impatient as she fumbles to shove the money into the pocket of her too-tight skirt, I shift on my heels, ready to get this biological necessity over and get back on the streets. Vishous had mentioned a fuckload of new lesser recruits roaming the streets of Caldwell and I was more than ready to take on my share

You ready, daddy? How ya want me, huh? -The female whispered huskily as she sidled toward me, her hands reach for the waistband of my leathers.- Turn the fuck around. -Growling darkly, my palm flattening against her shoulder as she turns to the wall, ignoring her blatant squirming and feigned arousal. Her slurred words falling on deaf ears as my body covers hers from behind, my hand sliding around her throat to grip her chin. Tilting her head to the side, my tongue slides over my throbbing fangs. Hungry, fuck. Starved.

I pierce her vein without pretense, her gasp silenced as my hand moves to cover her mouth. Taking long, deep pulls of her weak human blood, I close my eyes against the reaction of 'IT'. Snarling against her skin, I pull deeper before swiping my tongue over the twin punctures, my mood just kicked over to beyond fucking pissed as I shift my thighs and will the thing in my pants to just forget about what it's screaming for.]

{Working my way through the press of people toward the exit. I thought about all the time I'd chased Zsadist, desperate to keep him from killing himself. The days I couldn't sleep, worrying he wouldn't make it because he refused female vampire blood and only drank human blood. Yeah...Tired. Relieved when I finaly cleared the throng and reached the exit to step outside. Even the garbage and urine accented air of the alley felt good compared to the packed, sweaty, hormone rick air inside the club.

On a good night I might get lucky enough to run into one of the Omega's spawn during my search for my elusive twin. At least that fight gave me an outlet for all this fury...rage...wrath. Actually laughing out loud to myself, as I let my mind word play the names of my Brothers-in-arms with all my fucked up emotions...torment would be the most accurate. I hoped tonight's walk of a few blocks would become one of those lucky nights, or at least help clear my head. As I rounded the end of the alley I surprisingly came upon the very one I'd been searching for. Zsadist, my twin, with a human female up against the wall feeding} Fuck me.

[Gripping the female's shoulder, turning her to face me, I pass my palm over her forehead, down over her eyes as I wipe her memory of the encounter. Allowing her to slump to the ground, her dazed smile plastered to her face as she lands on her ass, legs sprawled out. She won't remember what's happened, but I'm sure she'll be pleased with the money that's made a welcome appearance in her possession. Another fix,
maybe a fatal dose. Her choice. We all have our fucked up lives, what we do with them is our own biz.]

[Stiffening as I stand, the scent that reaches me as the wind shifts signalling the approach of an intruder in the alley. My muscles tense as I instinctively draw a dagger from my harness, silently pulling it from it's sheath. Hissing as I turn, crouched and ready to take down the threat, ebony eyes narrow as I take in the startled figure before me.- What the fuck are you doing here?

{Eyeing the dagger in your hand, knowing you'd just as likely use it on me as the enemy, I stand my ground} Looking for you Brother, been awhile. Wanted to make sure you were still among the living.

-Nodding curtly, I replace the dagger slowly, my eyes sliding quickly to the human female at my feet before shifting back to yours- Living. Yeah, fuck. Still breathing anyway. -Curling the scarred mess that is my face into a sneer, I cross my arms over my chest, my stance wide and solid.- You found me. Congratulations. Now what the fuck do you want? Wrath send you to babysit?

{Approaching cautiously now that the dagger has been replaced} I don't do babysitting. Haven't seen Wrath in a few weeks. Shit's been going down on the streets. Usually it's no rough housing around humans. Lately there have been human casualties - messy ones. Wanted to make sure you knew. Maybe team up, see what kind of damage we can do together.

-Snarls deeply, my eyes darkening further.- Team up. Fuck. I don't need your help. -My brows crash down as I toss your statement around my head. Nodding reluctantly.- Running into a shitload of new lessers these days. Someone's cranking them out like there's no tomorrow. -Scowling, the thought of humans being drawn into the mess of a war we've got going just rubbing me wrong. Humans get involved and we're all fucked. That kind of hysteria is just what we don't need, not with the danger they pose to our race. Fuck, like I give two shits about our 'race'. They could all go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

Clenching my jaw, ready to spill more of my toxic venom, my head jerks up suddenly. A too-familiar, sickly sweet stench of baby powder drifting on the breeze, overpowering the stink of the alley. Turning to face you briefly, I take off running to the mouth of the alley. Lifting my face to catch the scent, my boots pound the pavement as I take off at a dead run in the direction of our enemy.-

{I catch the sweet smell of baby powder just as your head snaps up. Yes! A good fight is so worth the stink. Just a few seconds behind as Zsadist tears off down the alley in pursuit of the enemy. Not being left out of this fun. I can just make out Zsadist turning into an open space a few blocks down. Man, the fucker is fast when on the hunt. Getting to the alleyway just a few seconds later I can clearly see three Lessers, by the look of them all newer recruits. Good, maybe we can keep one alive long enough to have a friendly chat.}

-Stopping just at the entrance to the alley, registering Phury's presence beside me not a moment later, my lips thin as a dark smirk curls on my face. Soundlessly taking three steps in, my body tenses, ready to spring as the trio turns toward us. Growling low, I take two more deliberate steps, willing a violent confrontation to ease the itch for battle.

My fists flex and release as I tilt my head, eyeing the closest lesser. Dark brown hair, hazel eyes. This one's not six months out of his induction. Pissed as fuck that this fight is going to prove too easy, anxious to have this fight over and done to allow more hunting tonight. Speaking roughly to Phury, not taking my eyes off the three who are slowly moving into position.

Arrogant grins spread across their faces as they gear up for what must be their first run-in with a warrior.- You wanted to team up? Fuck, come and take your pick. -Without waiting for a response, I launch myself at the closest mountain of the Omega's making, my shitkickers carrying me across the distance in two long strides as my fist connects with a hard jaw. As the lesser's head snaps to the side with the punch, I grip the bastard's shoulders tightly, my forehead coming down hard against his just as he lifts his arms and breaks my hold.-

{Not waiting for an invite to this dance, already moving, taking the one on the right before he even has time to notice. Two solid punches to the face, and man, doesn't that feel good. This is exactly what I was needing. Using my elbow as a gut ram, little brown hair doubles over just as I catch the third Lesser making a move toward Zsadist. With brown hair off balance I use his body shoving him hard enough to knock the third fellow off course and into the alley wall.

Turning to finish off brown hair I feel a hard kick to the back of my knees, falling forward I throw out my hands to keep from face planting into the pavement. Rolling quickly I use my prosthetic leg, clipping the Lesser across his own knees, and bringing him down beside me. Sometimes having your very own baseball bat is a useful tool. My blade already in hand, sinking it deep into the Lesser's soft, empty gut. Springing a glossy black leak like I'd just struck oil.}

-Fangs flashing as my arms are driven down and away from the lesser's shoulders, I take a meaty fist to the temple. Whipping my head around, I grin madly, my hand in front of my body, fingers curling in the universal 'bring it' gesture. Roaring as the newbie makes his move, I plant my shitkickers solidly and welcome the right hook that catches my jaw. Immediately tasting my own blood, fueling the anger that courses through my corroded soul, I grab the soulless fuck's head between my hands. Cranking it to the side, razor sharp fangs rip through his jugular as I tear out a mouthful of flesh. Black sludge spurting over my face and chest, I twist clockwise. The crunch of snapping vertebrae reverberating loudly as he falls to the ground in a heap.

Wiping absently at my mouth with the back of my hand, I glance at Phury, spotting the gutted lesser downed by my twin, I turn my attention back to the pile of shit at my feet. Stepping over his chest, planting a boot on either side of his body, I squat down, unsheathing a dagger as my blood, mixed with his, drips down my chin to land in gory splatters across his face.

My voice an empty, snarled echo in my own head.- Where the fuck are you all coming from, huh? Who's your boss, fuckhead? -Expecting no answer, getting none, I rifle through the pockets of the immobilized bastard, tugging out a wallet and a keyring before waving my dagger in front of his face. His mouth working as the oily, stinking fluid bubbles between his lips.- Hope you're ready for your reunion with the big guy, you reeking fuck. -Raising my arm, my dagger swinging down in a tight arc as I stab through the bastard's sternum like butter, the resulting flash and pop bringing an ounce of satisfaction as he disappears into just another stain on the filthy pavement.-

{Getting to my feet as I hear the pop and catch the flash, One down. Gruesome grin on my face I look down at the Lesser on the ground before me. He was so not going anywhere.} Z, kill that other piece of shit will ya? {Gesturing to the last one standing and cowering now that he'd watched his buddies fall so quickly. New recruits for sure.

Looking down again to the filth at my feet. Lessers might not be alive anymore, but they could still feel pain. I was so on board that train. My mind calmed, this time was mine. In doing as much damage as I could possibly do I healed myself, if only for a short time. Sticking my blade back into the oozing hole I drug it clear across his middle and relaxed to the sound of his painful scream.}

-Grunting as I pull myself to my full height, midnight eyes lock on the remaining lesser standing against the back of the alley. Prowling toward his defiant body, so determined to show me he's a worthy opponent, my body moves like a panther. Smooth, dark and deadly. Giving a macabre smirk, my tongue sliding over my the tips of wickedly sharp fangs stained black and red.- You want the first shot, you bag of shit?
-Holding my arms wide, the dagger gripped in my right hand still dripping with lesser blood, I wait for just a second. Long enough for the brainless side of beef to lunge toward me. My left arm flashes forward, using his own momentum to catch him with my shoulder and flip him to the pavement before planting my boot in his gut. Before his breath leaves him, I'm kneeling on his chest, fists flying in a blur as I pummel his face. Not flinching as his fingers dig into my leathers in an attempt for purchase, I squeeze my thighs around his ribcage, riding his bucking body like I'm at a motherfucking rodeo. Grimacing, I bring my right hand around, the razor sharp blade of my dagger opening a clean slice across the flesh of his throat.
The sickly sweet stench of the blood that spills freely making my stomach turn over, threatening to give up the meager meal I'd taken in earlier. Fighting back the gorge, I lean back as the undead brings his hands to his neck, a feeble attempt to staunch the flow. My left hand digs into his pockets as I twist my body, pulling free another wallet and a small notepad. Tossing them in Phury's direction, I lean back against the heels of my shitkickers, shaking my head slowly.- Say goodnight, you stupid fuck. At least I never bargained with my fucking soul.
-Plunging the dagger into the space where his heart used to be, I stand as he turns to another smudge, my eyes avoiding the flash as I turn to see my twin in the process of enjoying a slow torture of the bag of shit before him.-

{Hearing a second pop, but the flash not even registering, my eyes focused only on what is left of the animal before me. Slice marks from my razor sharp blade covering most of it's exposed skin. Several prominent features such as a nose and ears missing. Sadly, even though I'd left its tongue, it seemed no longer able to make any sounds. Where was the fun in that? Kneeing down I quickly find a wallet but nothing else of any value. Getting as close to his face as I could, wanting to make sure the very last thing seen was the smile on my face. With a disgusted grunt I stab the Lesser back to his maker, leaving a stain on the pavement and also one on my soul.}

-Wiping my blade across my thigh, replacing it in it's sheath, I cross my arms over my chest. Shaking my head slowly, brows lowered as my raven gaze takes in the scene before me. My ruined upper lip curling in a disgusted smirk.] Get that shit out of your system, my my raven gaze takes in the scene before me. My ruined upper lip curling in a disgusted smirk.- Get that shit out of your system, my brother? Shit, they say I'm the fucked up one.
-Kicking the two wallets and notepad I'd collected toward you as you sit back against your heels, I stalk toward the mouth of the alley, eyes peeled for any sign of back-up or human activity. Seeing none, I glance back to you once more, my palm wiping across my face and neck once more before rubbing it against my leathers.- Go clean your shit up, you're a fucking mess. -Turning without another word, I step free of the litter strewn alley and dematerialize in an instant.-

{Jumping to my feet, already too late. I find myself alone in the alley. The son of a bitch had dematerialized} Damn it, Zsadist! {Kicking the nearest thing, a dumpster, in frustration. Two fucking weeks and not even a conversation! Picking up the other two wallets. Nothing I could do now. I still had to go to the addresses listed on the ID's and collect any information I could. As well as, the ceramic jars containing what had once been their beating human hearts. The ongoing war with the Lessening Society taking the forefront for the moment over my personal sibling issues. Opening the first ID, noting the address, I willed myself to dematerialize. #Beginnings 2012

-Taking form several blocks away, the warehouse district reeking of chemicals and burnt out structure, I back myself up against a soot stained brick wall. Sharp eyes taking in my surroundings, I inhale deeply, searching for the scent I so recently escaped from. Growling low and deep in my chest, I pick up nothing on the breeze.

Stepping free of the shadows into the week light of the one unbroken streetlight, I jog down the sidewalk. All senses online and honed to predator precision. Turning my head to each side as I pass factories and abandoned buildings, the mark that the 60's and 70's left on Caldwell after the boom years of production. Filth and grime covers every available surface visible.

Rounding a corner, I spot a group of human males huddled together. The acrid odor of the drugs they're smoking burning my sinuses before I turn away and head in the opposite direction. No fucking way I need to deal with humans tonight. Not in this state. I'd be their worst nightmare made flesh.

Taking to a jog once again, I weave my way through the downtown streets. Growing more impatient and aggravated by the minute, finding no sign of our enemy to alleviate the residual adrenaline pumping through my veins. Stopping as I realize I've come full circle. Standing in front of the alley my twin and I had just finished off the trio of lessers we'd found, I snarl angrily, shaking my head in a violent denial before dematerializing to the loft apartment we share.

Walking through the spacious digs, outfitted to Phury's exacting tastes, I turn a blind eye to the empty rooms. Stopping long enough to grab two apples from the counter, I let my boots carry me to my room, closing and locking my door, I place the apples on the bureau my brother insisted on furnishing my room with. Looking at the perfectly made bed, it's navy blue comforter and fresh linens foreign to me; I strip out of my stained clothes, allowing them to fall to the floor as I walk into my bathroom to shower. Cleaning off the blood, both mine and the lesser's, I scrub myself raw under the scalding water. Making quick work of the soap and rinse routine, I step out and towel off quickly. Turning out the light, I walk to the opposite end of my room, picking up my apples before sitting down on the pallet I sleep upon. Slowly, methodically finishing the fruit to the barest bits of the core, I set them aside.

My eyes drift to the skull that rests near the wall next to my pallet. Taking a few deep breaths, assuring myself I'm still alone, I curl my body into a ball on the blankets, head falling to the hard surface. My brow furrows as I try like fuck to will myself to sleep, the visions of my twin hovering over the lesser, his eyes alight with malice rarely seen as his hand skillfully worked the blade of his dagger over the soulless fuck. Shaking my head against the memory, I wonder absently if Phury is thinking of joining me on my little path of dark.- No, fuck that. Room for one here, he needs to find a different way.

-Grinding my teeth together, I reach out my hand, my fingers landing against the bare skull to brush against it before withdrawing to curl against my chest. Concentrating on my breath, I lie awake for fuck knows how long before my conscious mind begins to fall away into the usual landscape of nightmare imagery. Never a moment's rest. No fucking escape from this hell.- #Beginnings 2012
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