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 Tohr and Rae 5.16.12

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Join date : 2012-02-08

Tohr and Rae   5.16.12 Empty
PostSubject: Tohr and Rae 5.16.12   Tohr and Rae   5.16.12 Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2012 8:14 pm


Off rotation, work done at the training facility, but still too antsy to stay home, I head to the coffee shop and see Rae about the problems she has been having with the security system I set up for her after the break-in at her store. More excited about seeing her than I should be, I stop just before turning the handle on the front door. Calm yourself. It's not like your tupping the Thatcher's daughter. It's just a visit to fix the kinks in the system. No more, no less. Rubbing my sweaty palm across my leathers, I open the door, the now familiar jingle of the bell above the door chiming my entry. I smile at the beauty behind the counter, serving one of her patrons a cheese danish. I take my regular seat


Finishing up with one of my customers, I hear the bell above the door chime. Looking up I see Tohrment enter the shop and walk over to his regular seat. I quickly check behind me to see if the tea towel I placed over the security system is still in place. I just know that I will get lectured over my treatment of the demon possessed thing. At some point I even had to take a broom to it to get it to shut up. I grab a Cheese Danish and make a fresh cup of coffee, put them on a tray and head over to Tohrment, all the while trying to come up with a valid explanation for the damage done to the demon contraption. Putting on a bright smile I place the tray In front of him and take a seat across the table hoping my excitement at his visit isn't as obvious as I fear it might be. “Welcome back Tohrment, I Hope all is well with you?”


I reach out to grab the sugar at the same time, Rae slides it to me, our fingers brushing together slightly. quiche I know, but thrilling all the same. “Thank you, Rae. You danishes are the best in the Tri-State area.I try not to grin. “I got your page about the security system malfunction. With your permission, I will look at it.” I blow on the rim of my cup and sip the inky contents, sighing as it's bitter aftertaste hits the back of my throat. Mmm. I raise my eyes in time to see her staring at my mouth and force a grin back. Yes, beauty, stare your fill. There are many wicked things I can do with my mouth if given half the chance. “You look lovely this evening, Rae.”


I sit back and watch as Tohrment slowly sips his coffee, enjoyment evident on his face. I stare at his lips and think about what they might be capable of. Looking up at his face I see him staring back at me with a slight knowing smile. Caught. I hide my face by shifting my focus to my coffee and start stirring it like a crazy person. Hoping my flushed face is hidden enough from his sapphire blue eyes. “I would be very thankful if you would check out the security system Tohrment but I think it might be beyond repair.” I look around the shop, everywhere as long as it is not at Tohrment, feeling guilty at how I have mangled the security system. “I hope you will not be too upset with me when you see the damage I have inflicted upon it.” I look at his face again and try to stay focussed on his eyes only this time


Wiping the crumbs from the corner of my mouth. “I'm sure it's nothing I can't fix.” Standing. “Shall we?” Walking to the control panel, I stand there shocked at the hanging wires and mangled box, laughing. “Did you have to kill it? Whatever did it do to you for you to exact such vengeance upon it?” What a lovely shade of red she blushes. Scrubbing a hand to the back of my neck. “Perhaps I won't be able to fix this particular issue. I may have installed something a bit advanced for the space you have here. I will be back with something a bit easier to manage. I have the perfect system in mind. All it has is an On/Off button.” Chuckling low as she blushes again.


“I did not mean to mangle it so badly.” Taking a step back, feeling guilty at the damage I've done. “It would not let me shut it off. I couldn't go to my apartment since it had locked me out and wouldn't let me in I took a broom to it... “ I shrug my shoulders and focus on the floor, not wanting to see the disappointment that might be showing in Tohrment's eyes. “I'm sorry I killed it. I really didn't mean to but it just would not shut up!


Grinning, I reach out and lift her chin with the tip of my finger. “All is well, kitten. It's a small matter to replace it. Besides, it gave me an excuse to come see you did it not?” Seeing the smile spread across her face, my small reward. “Until I return, I want you double locking all your doors, and keep me on speed dial. Okay?” I return to the counter, draining my coffee and leave a $20 on the counter and take the last bite of my danish. “Until I return, I want you to be safe, Rae.”


Picking up the $20 from the counter I walk over to Tohrment with a frown on my face and glower at him. I stand there for a moment trying to gather all my courage together and take a deep breath. “I will take your advice Tohr, on one condition...”I grab the side of his leather coat and pull it aside. “You do not pay for anything here. Ever!” I look for a shirt pocket to stuff the $20 into only to discover he has no shirt pockets. Biting my lip I close my eyes and quickly stuff the $20 into the side pocket of his leathers and drop his coat back in place. I quickly step back and paste a self assured yet very red look on to my face. _


Reaching into my pocket, I remove the content and take hold of her hand, placing the bill therein, closing her fingers. Speaking softly. “I take nothing I haven't earned either by the sweat of my brow or the dagger in my hand, m'lady. Until tomorrow then.” I take one last look before exiting the door and walking away.


Staring at the $20 in my hand with a frown I mutter under my breath as I see Tohrment exit my shop. “Stubborn man.” I will just have to find another to repay him for his kindness. Taking the $20 I place it aside in a small jar with Tohr written on the label. Deciding to save the money he pays, whenever he comes to the shop, and to cook him a nice dinner from it. Grinning I walk back to the counter and start making plans for a nice dinner for Tohrment.
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Tohr and Rae 5.16.12
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