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 Vishous – Phury Chat 2.3.12

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Join date : 2012-02-08

Vishous – Phury Chat 2.3.12   Empty
PostSubject: Vishous – Phury Chat 2.3.12    Vishous – Phury Chat 2.3.12   Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 2:05 am

[Sauntering into the common room, diamond eyes catching sight of a slumped and somber Phury.

Phury are a surprise

[cocks a brow, chuckling as I stroll to drop my ass on the couch] Why's that, Brother?

[rolling the blunt back and forth between my fingers] you had a

[smirks, pulling a hand rolled from behind my ear] That I did
[chuckles] Tomorrow will be as well, I'm guessing.

Figured you for getting as far away from us fuck ups as you could

Why the fuck would you say that?

Come gotta get tired of comin’ "to the rescue" all the time....[grins] you don't even have a white horse

[scowls, taking a deep drag of the Turkish.. brow furrowing as I exhale] I'm no white knight, my man.

[knowing I'm poking the snake, but not giving a shit] not ALL of you anyway, hey, brother

[flexing my gloved hand into a tight fist, eyeing it through the white trail of the smoke that's parked between my lips] You find Z yet?


Looks like I'm not the only stubborn fuck not moving in, true.

[mumbles] stubborn fuck, yeah, about covers the sitch

[smirks, leaning back to toss my legs up on the table] Quiet night, yeah?

[looking at the blunt and laughing. knowing the first four didn’t shut down the fucking voice inside my head and this one had no chance of doing that either] Quiet...yeah

[kicking my chin back.. head resting against the cushion as diamond eyes slip closed, the scents of Turkish and red mixing into a relaxing blend, mumbling quietly as my smoke turns slowly to ash] Just need a few to chill before I head back out, true.

[commenting offhandedly as I contemplate my blunt] Fritzy’s overseeing the cleanup from Third Meal.

[grins wide] Fritzy's a fantastic organizer.. I don’t know how he does it. [smirks] My ass is three steps behind these days.

[lifts my glass of beer] Can’t find fault with The Fritzy

[shaking my head, wishing the doggen were here so I didn't have to haul my ass up for a glass of Stoli] No fault to be found, not that anyone would dare look.

[laughing] Although Tohr brought him a little present he might not enjoy from your clusterfuck of a trip last night

[raising my brows, cracking one eye open to peer sideways in your direction] Tohr brought something home? From that shithole?

fuckin baby goat [wishing it had been heart jars and live civilians] shit ass thing bit me [holds up fingers]

[brows crash down before my eyes pop wide, my head whipping toward you as I see the remains of an animal bite marring your fingers] Well fuck me... I knew I smelled something... and he brought it HERE? Who's cooking it?

[grins] Well, see that's the joke part of this...keepin’ it as a pet he says. I'm givin’ it less than a month before it’s a hero sandwich

[barks a laugh, tossing the stub of a smoke into the ashtray] I'll give it two months.. feeling generous.. before Murhder or Rhage eat it.

[downing my beer and getting up for another] No doubt on the outcome. I'll start a pool, who you wanna put your money on? [handing you the bottle of Stoli as I sit back down]

[taking the Stoli with a nod and a murmured 'thank you', I open the bottle and take a long, welcome swallow] My money's on Murhder.. I say Hollywood's going to find himself liking the little guy. [chuckling] Put me in for a grand, my Brother.

Done. M's got my cash as well. Agreed Rhage will like the little shit, he is sorta cute. But he'll cave where his belly is concerned eventually. Murhder....won't even occur to that bastard to NOT eat it. It's got four legs and fur, fuck, he can’t keep the two legged ones alive. Not all beasts are lizard-skinned, true.

[nodding with a grin] Very true. He's gonna see food, and a fucking hat

[Listening to Mr Wizard telling me that "I should talk mate, did nothing to keep those civies alive now did ya?” Shit!] You know V, that intel you gave Tohr last night...bad man, we gotta find a way to learn that shit sooner. Looked like some real bad shit went down inside that house, while we sat here jerkin’ off.

[frowning as my gloved finger runs over my upper lip, my eyes narrowing in thought] Yeah, I'm really running a fucking blank, Brother. I mean a serious nothing over here. [glancing up] Anyone work out any type of fucking rotation yet? Are we still pulling solo-do-what-the-fuck-we-want's or are we going to be pairing up?

[laughing darkly] yeah riiiight [raising my voice] we cant even get everyone into the god damn house!

[smirks wickedly, nodding] True that, and it's not going to happen, feel me? I'm up for a schedule, for some help with recon.. but no way my ass is living here.

[Kicking the end table over and partly across the room with my prosthetic foot] Fuck that! What's the point in circling the god damn wagons if we aren't all inside the circle?! Things are getting missed, Darius was RIGHT. We aren't helping anyone except those smelly airbags by keeping ourselves so separated. Things gotta change. You're supposed to be the brains of this outfit, and your head is so far up your own ass on this...

[on my feet in an instant, the bottle of vodka crashing to the wall as I stand over you, eyes blazing with white light.. a harsh laugh coming from my chest] You're one to talk.. fucking stoned out of your mind on the red 23 out of 24,

Hi Fritz

You sit on your ASS while your twin is god knows where.. do you even know if he's still ALIVE, Brother? [knowing full well we'd all have felt it if he'd off’d himself]

*entering the room* good evening. *eyeing the broken bottle* Something vexes you V?

[nodding, gesturing absently to the broken Stoli bottle and stain on the silk wallpaper] Yeah, this fuckstick VEXES me. [bending to straighten the table Phury had kicked across the room] You come talkin' shit to me when you've cleaned up YOUR OWN, my man. FEEL ME?

[standing up slowing, regardless of Fritz being in the room. Nose to nose with V, part of me hoping he'll take a swing, part of me positive I deserve it] He's alive, and he needs to be here. Same as all of us. Same as you.

*picks up broken bottle and deposits in trash bin then makes a mental note to have the wall cleaned*

[squaring off with the wasted Brother, eyes glazed over thickly.. long locks matted and hanging limply around your face.. my fists clenched tighter than my the hard line of my jaw, my voice a harsh whisper that carries across the short distance] Clean your shit up, man. You're a fucking mess. You hit the streets anytime soon and we'll be scraping you up with a shovel, true.

[completely calm, and thinking that sounded like just the sort of plan I could get behind] And wouldn't that just make everyone's fucking day. [demating out of the room]

[growls in frustration and paces the room like a caged tiger]

Returns to the common room after a reluctantly quick, steaming shower, my robe wrapped around me as I trail water through the mansion.

[snarls wickedly at the dripping wet Brother]

chill out V.. you'll pop a vessel or somethin’. sorry for my bad behavior Fritz

*sees the wet footprints, sighs* We all will need to adjust to one another

[turning my head side to side slowly, the crack resounding like a gunshot through the room] Step off my dick, man..

oh...NOW.. you decide to be touchy....

bad day Phury?

[clenching my jaw tightly, my hands fisting and releasing as tension coils through my system] You know what, [glaring at Phury with icy eyes, my voice a rough, full of pissed off hiss] Go fuck yourself, my "Brother". Try spending your time worrying about your own biz. [shitkickers clocking hard against the fine marble, I storm out of the common room in search of Darius for our 'talk']

[Watching V stalk out] Bad day Fritz? I would USUALLY say "nothing that a bag of red wouldn’t fix"....but yeah...bad day #BBDB
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