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 Tohrment and Rae 6.22.12

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Join date : 2012-02-08

Tohrment and Rae  6.22.12 Empty
PostSubject: Tohrment and Rae 6.22.12   Tohrment and Rae  6.22.12 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2012 12:26 am

–The shower was hot and needed. The night off of rotation necessary. The dinner date with Rae a welcome luxury for one such as me. The invitation for dinner was as much a surprise as it was a pleasure to receive. I finger the fancy filigree invite with a large padded thumb. I grin as I close my eyes and imagine Rae sitting behind a tiny, feminine desk, writing this out in her precise, and controlled calligraphy. In lieu of leathers, I pull up a pair of dark, pressed slacks and black silk shirt. Dress shoes replace the usual shitkickers. My weapons are still strapped on my body...that is something I never leave behind. I splash a little cologne on my neck before walking down the grand staircase. My intended location given over to Darius, I close the door behind me and will my body to the storefront of Rae's coffee shop, Delights After Dark. I head to the back entrance of the building where the invitation directed me to go. I take one last look at my clothes before raising my large hand and knock on her back door.

–Standing in front of the dinner table I check the setting carefully one last time. I want this evening to be perfect. After all the things Tohrment has done for me I want to make absolutely sure that nothing is out of place. It's the least he deserves. Grinning down at the the large amount of food on the table I shake my head and walk to the oven to take out the BlueBerry Pie and place it on a rack to cool down. I hope he has a big appetite. Walking towards the back entrance of the shop I make a quick stop to check on my appearance. Straightening my white silk blouse I check my long dark blue skirt and frown at my hair. Unruly as it is I haven't even tried to do anything special with it. I just pulled it up and snapped a barrette in to it to hold it in place. Checking my watch I notice it's almost time for Tohrment to arrive when I hear a knock on the door. Pushing open the door I smile as I see Tohrment standing there with a grin on his face.

– The door being open, my eyes fall on a crop of red, unruly curls and grin. I lift the invitation and say. “I hope I'm not late.” Rae steps out of the way and beckons me to enter, which I do. I immediately kick off my shoes as a sign of respect. I offer her my jacket and walk into the main house...the wonderful smells wafting from the kitchen, set my empty stomach to growling loudly. Not an inch embarrassed, I smile instead. I have been looking forward to first meal all day. I follow the petite beauty into the dining room and am shocked at the large amounts of food on the table. Chuckling. “If I didn't know better, I would think you planned a meal for by brother Rhage.

–Hearing the large growl coming from Tohrment's stomach I think to myself that it's a good thing I made so much food after all! Leading him to the dining room I smile back at him when he mentions one of his Brothers. "Any of your brothers is welcome to eat here. I would just make sure I have more then I made now." Laughing at the startled look on Tohr's face I invite him to take place at the table. Feeling the barrette slip out of place I walk back to the mirror and try to fasten it back in place only to give up with a sigh. Trying my hardest to not show my grin at the look of awe on Tohrment's face I grab a bottle of wine. "Would you like some wine?”

–“I usually drink beer but wine sounds great.” Raising a hand. “I just want to do this one thing if you don't mind.” I remove the barrette holding her hair in place and watch as it falls in waves around her shoulders. “There...much better. I like your hair down.” I do my best not to smile as she gasps and blushes a lovely shade of pink. I pull out a chair for her as I take the the one at the head of the table and immediately begin to fill a plate and place it in front of her. “I expect you to eat every drop now.” This time there was no stopping the laugh that escapes me. Her already large eyes, doubled in size. “Joking...i'm just joking.” I put the large plate in front of me and make a much smaller one for her.

–Startled I watch as Tohrment's large hand moves towards my hair. Feeling him remove my barrette I look at him wide eyed and blushing. Tilting my head downward slightly I take the seat he pulls out for me. He has a way of making me blush constantly and seems to like it. Staring in awe I watch as he starts filling a plate with a mountain of food and shoves it my way. Scribe Virgin I hope he is joking! “I can't eat all of that!” Hearing his full out laughter I let out a sigh of relief and take the smaller plate of food he set up for me. Taking a biscuit from my plate I break it in half and start nibbling on it, watching in satisfaction as Tohrment digs into his food with a big smile on his face. Grinning at him I start eating as well, just enjoying his company and his love for food. "Leave some room for dessert Torh...Warm blueberry pie with ice cream." Leaning back in my chair I sip my wine and grin at his rapid nod.

–Having had perfect table manners taught me while living with my Glymera parents, I force myself to not shovel down the food. It seems the last few hundreds years in the Brotherhood have not taken away all the teachings of my youth. “You really are a wonderful cook, Rae, and desert sounds amazing. I must apologize for the amount I have consumed, but I find myself ravenous this evening.” I scoop up the last of the gravy with the biscuit and eat it down.

–Blushing furiously at the compliment I get up an grab the pie, cutting one large piece for Tohrment and a smaller piece for myself. Adding a healthy helping of vanilla ice cream to both I place Tohrment's dessert in front of him and grin. "You shouldn't apologize for enjoying the food I enjoyed cooking for you. Now eat your dessert before it melts.

– Giving the tiny beauty a mock salute. “Ma'am, yes Ma'am. I would never want you to accuse me of not cleaning my plate.” Having eaten the last bite, I take the linen napkin and dab the corners of my mouth. “That was delicious, Rae.” Pushing the chair back a bit, I cross an ankle over my knee and sip my wine, staring at Rae, unable to stop.

– Feeling Tohrment's stare on me I nervously start clearing the table in order to give myself something to do. Feeling my face flush again I look around and try to come up with something to say to him. "Would you like a coffee in the living room?" Not even waiting for his answer I simply make 2 coffee's and precede him towards the sofa in my living room.

– Coffee in hand, I follow her into the living room, and just as I am about to sit, my pager goes off. I look down at the LED screen and read the message from Vishous, 'Lessers - 911' “Rae...I'm really sorry to do this to you. I have an emergency with my brothers that needs attending.” I hand over the coffee and head to the door, Rae at my side. I turn to say my goodbyes, and see the disappointed look on her face. I lift her chin with the tip of my finger. “I'm very sorry.” Eyes focused on her lips, I lean forward, as she closes her eyes, I smile slightly just before I touch my lips to hers. Resisting the urge to take the kiss further, the call of responsibility has me lifting my head. As she opens her glazed eyes, I know she would be open for my seduction and for the first time, I am tempted to shirk my duty. I would love to stay, but my Brothers need me. “Thank you for dinner, Rae.” Stepping back I head for the door, not looking back.

– Watching Tohrment leave I realize that even though I should feel upset at our evening being cut short, in truth I'm not, It just shows once again the male or worth he is, Duty and Honor will always come first for him. It is one of the reasons I have grown to respect him so much. Closing the door softly I lean back against it and smile, touching my fingers to my lips and the taste of Tohrment that still lingers there. I walk towards the kitchen and start cleaning up. It was a nice evening. I enjoyed myself. Grinning I load up the dishwasher, thoughts lingering on the kiss. Yes, a male of worth indeed... #DelightsAfterDark #APleasantEvening #BBDB

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