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 Tohrment Looks for Phearsom 6.19.12

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Join date : 2012-02-08

Tohrment Looks for Phearsom   6.19.12 Empty
PostSubject: Tohrment Looks for Phearsom 6.19.12   Tohrment Looks for Phearsom   6.19.12 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2012 12:21 am

I stand in the shower after a long night of patrolling, the hot water sluicing off my broad shoulders, the steam helping to clean the stench of lesser blood that seems to be covering every inch of my body. The ache in my bones the constant reminder of the duty I own and am proud to carry as a defender of our race.

I shut off the water, wanting nothing more than to stay under its waterfall. Toweling off briskly, I walk into my room and look over once again to Phearsom's pallet, noticing he hasn't touched his kibbles. @ArthurTheGoat

With a furrowed brow, I walk over and sniff, realizing his scent there upon is faint. Donning sweats and a ratty tee, I walk to Darius' sleeping quarters. I rap on his door, hearing his gruff reply of enter.

{Squeezing my eyes shut, my fingers pinching the bridge of my nose, I call out in response to the knock} Yeah... enter! {Shifting in my chair, turning my torso away from the stacks of Glymera requests, piles of nonsense demands that continually show to be sorted by the king who refuses to be king. Unable to even consider imagining the state of affairs should I simply dump his calling into his lap. Shaking my head at the thought, I frown as I spy the worry marring Tohrment's navy blue stare, immediately moving to rise..} What's happened?

[rubbing a large palm across the back on my neck, I ease into D's room, leaning against the door jam] Hey...I haven't seen Phearsom for a couple of days. He hasn't touched his kibbles and his scent is faint. You seen him around?

{Dropping back into my chair, I rake my fingers back through my hair, shaking my head slowly} The goat? I haven't seen him in some time, Tohr... {Frowning} Your little pet's gone missing? damn sorry to hear that, Brother. Might consider asking Fritz, that doggen knows everything that happens in this household long before any of the rest of us, yeah?

[grinning fondly at the mention of the old Doggen] Of course, if anyone where to know the whereabouts of Phearsom, he would. I'll be back later so we can go over the training schedule and prepare for the arrival of the trainees next week. Does that work for you? [nodding to the pile of paperwork on his desk]

{Planting a large hand atop the pile, I laugh loudly and nod} Anything Brother. Anything to get me away from this bureaucratic garbage our reluctant leader won't acknowledge. {smirks} Yeah.. read that as Pain-in-the-ass...

[touching my brow as a sign of respect to my oldest friend, I turn and leave, the door making a soft click as I shut it. Enroute to my office, I pass Wrath's room, my feet coming to a stop of their own accord. Slowly raising my hand, I knock softly, fortifying myself for his usual glowering appearance, I cringe inside and wipe the grin from my face as he barks a 'This better be the fucking Apocalypse' as the door opens on it's own. I poke my head inside to see the King of our race, honing his blades. His scowl so deep, he brows are permanently hidden behind his black shades. Nodding in respect.] Highness.

*Stopping mid swipe of my blade, but not minding to move my attention from it, I snap* WHAT?! *In a snarl that rattles even my own ears, I remain still, poised, awaiting what better be a damn good reason for your disturbance*

[clears throat] Have you seen my goat, Phearsom?

*A second of complete stillness is followed a visible ripple of annoyance over my bare shoulders... lifting my blade, raising it smoothly up over my shoulder, I pull it back, releasing it hard, my lips pursed and twisting with the effort the door slamming hard in your face as three inches of blade protrudes on your side amidst splinter of wood. My heavy foot steps pound on the other side and with a grunt of power I wrench the blade back out. My voice booms* fuck the goat ...And fix my damn door!

[crossing my arms over my broad chest I say to the closed door, knowing I am heard on the other side] I’ll take that as a 'NO' then...and fix your own damn door. [turning and walking away grumbling] It's like having two Z's here. [thick soled boots eating up the stairs, I hit the tunnel to the underground training facility, destination my office.

I smell the cloying scents of Turkish tobacco and Redsmoke. The combined scents both intoxicating and repulsive. Rounding the corner I enter my office, Phury leaning against my file cabinet and Vishous sitting in my green chair, boots propped on my desk] I suppose door locks are a moot item to have here, yes my brothers? [Shoving V's legs off my desk with more force then necessary] Get your ass out of my chair V, you know it's off limits [rubbing the bridge of my nose when he smiled back at me.]

-flashing a wickedly fanged grin, I push myself up from your ugly as fuck, yet unbelievably comfortable chair, clapping a gloved palm to your shoulder with a laugh- Keep your manties on there, Brother. Just keepin' it warm, true? -parking my ass against the opposite edge of the desk, propping my shitkickers on the empty chair next to Phury.

{Not bothering to move an inch when Tohr enters the office. I'd come down here to request to be allowed back on rotation and I wasn't leaving until we'd had that discussion. Smirking as Vishous is evicted from the stuffed green throne.} V's been regaling me with tails of fighting lessers... you remember those right? Smelly white bastards plaguing our world. Cause I'm sure as shit beginning not too, how about lifting my quarantine and letting me get back out there boss man?

[sitting in my beloved green chair, amazed once again at how unbelievably comfortable it is. Its familiar creaks and moans a calming balm after a long nights shift. Looking Phury in the eye.] Don't bust my balls right now over this.[Pointing to the empty chair in front of my desk, the look on my face saying it's not open for debate] Sit. Listen to me carefully my brother. I know you think I'm being a dick over this whole rotation thing. I'm simply doing what I think is best right now. Besides...Darius has something else in mind for you [raising my hand to squash any complaint] You're gonna just have to take it up with Darius. It's his news to tell. [Feeling his anger hit me like waves]

{Reluctantly dropping my ass into the appointed chair, already knowing this was not going to go my way. Not interested in the same old 'It's for the good of the Brotherhood' line. How can keeping a willing fighter on the sidelines be for the good of anyone? Trying to bite my tongue and let him get it out before I jump on him. At the news Darius had another plan for me I actually started paying some attention} Why don't you just tell me {Glancing at V} You know anything about this?

-cocking a dark brow as I shrug- I know three things these days, Brother. -ticking them off leather clad fingers- One, I've been out nearly every night for the past month. Two, I'm overdue for some R&R, feel me? ...and three, someone needs to talk to Fritz about changing Murhder's diet, yeah? -cranking up my brows to my forehead- It's that or I need to buy stock in Stick-Ups, true?

[grinning as I raise a brow] Brother getting ripe is he? Now you know why he's in the pit, not the mansion. Say uh [scrubbing and hand over the scruff on my chin] Anyone see Phearsom lately? He seems to be AWOL @ArthurTheGoat

{That piece of news does get my undivided attention. Ever since Tohr insisted on bringing the little creature back home he's really grown on everyone, including me} I think the last time I saw him he was eating a chicken leg 'origins unknown' under my bed... that's been, what 3 weeks ago, a month maybe. Wait {sitting up straighter in the chair, concerned now for the little goat guard} You don't think Murhder ate him do you?

-leaning forward on the desk, my elbows resting against my thighs as I turn my head slowly to face you both, a dark scowl forming at the very thought. Growling dangerously..- Might account for the fucking stench lately… so help me, if Murhder so much as laid a hand on the goat-goateed lips twisting in a sneer, flexing my gloved fist- I will fucking toast him myself.

{Standing up and looking to Tohr} We need to check outside, have you looked everywhere? We should talk to Fritz...

Yeah [gripping my dagger, between clenched fangs grit out] and Murhder too. [so gonna put a hurt on that Brother. Standing real quick, my green chair echoing off the wall behind me, I follow my brothers out the door... destination Murhder.]

And Murhder.. absolutely.. and the garden shed, maybe he got locked in..{Holds up a hand as Tohr goes to pass me} What about Rhage? Oh no...

[stopping mid stride] Rhage? I haven't seen him all night. You don't suppose do you...that they ate him together do you?

-Boot heels clocking on the marble, I follow a few steps behind my Brothers before stopping dead. Turning to jog back toward the tunnels leading to the gatehouse, I call back over my shoulder- I'm on Murhder.. you two hunt up Hollywood, yeah? -Shaking my head, muttering about goats, toilets and why-the-fuck-can't-I-get-a-night-off....-

*Sitting in the center of my bed, I place a chunk of chibata bread in the center of my plate to soak up the gravy. I lay down my fork and knife on the china plate, I take the napkin I had shoved in the neck of my shirt and wipe my mouth. I pick a cracklin out of a molar and lick it clean before swallowing it. I pat my full tummy and lay back against a pillow. Sighing in bliss* That was the best *buuuuurp*, I have ever eaten. #O'ArthurWhereArtThou #BBDB
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