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 Rhage’s Beast Comes Out – Rhage and Phury 2.10.12

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Rhage’s Beast Comes Out – Rhage and Phury   2.10.12 Empty
PostSubject: Rhage’s Beast Comes Out – Rhage and Phury 2.10.12   Rhage’s Beast Comes Out – Rhage and Phury   2.10.12 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 10, 2012 10:54 pm

*Strapping on the holster across my chest, I ran over Tohr's instructions. Motherfuckingcocksuckingsonofawhore. How the fuck did I get stuck with Phury as a playmate? The male was getting to be almost as unstable as his twin. The last thing I wanted was to have to trust him with my life. This was hard enough without needing to fucking babysit as well. With a irritated grunt, I tightened the strap and straightened up. Nothing for it I guess. Just gotta suck it up and hope the fucker doesn't get me killed. Or get killed doing something stupid. Anything was possible given how much of the red smoke he tokes all day**Ready to go hunting, I head to Phury's room, grimacing at the smell of red smoke wafting out into the hallway, banging my fist on the door, hard enough to feel the vibrations through the floor* Yo! Phury? Hurry the fuck up

{Hearing the banging on the door and realizing I was no more ready for this sitch then I was this morning when Tohr laid it all out. shit! I'd done my best to keep the smoking to a bare minimum, and was already feeling a slight shake to my hands. Giving my weapons a quick check I opened the door to what I hoped wasn't the beginning of a royally fucked night} Let's do this Rhage

*dragging my gaze over Phury, checking his weapons, but more importantly trying to gauge just how tight in the head he really was* You tight, brother?

{Resenting the implication that I was anything but, and knowing the sting that he was dead on target to ask} fuck you Hollywood, last I looked you were not my mahmen. {Pushing past him to walk down the hall} Where you want to start this party off at?

*Smirking at Phury's reaction, knowing he must be straight enough if he's pissed at me, I shrug* I figure we could head down and around the park?

The park is fine. Meet you near the overpass at the East end {Not waiting for his reply I dematerialize to the park, taking form in the humans and uncollected garbage. No hint of the enemy we were hunting...and no hint of the twin I was also hunting}

*Sighing, I demat, taking form near the spot Phury said to meet, I glanced around quickly, taking in the humans huddled in the corner, obviously drunk on cheap booze, wrapped in paper bags* Hey you wanna go that way and I’ll head around to the south?

{Giving my brother a curt nod I head off deeper into the shadows of the park. Being out of the mansion was helping to clear my thinking. This is what I should have been doing this last week. Hunting for the twin who'd left me without even a backward glance, hunting for the pasty white bastards snuffing the lives of civilians without a thought. Passing right by the human scum who make this park their oasis, silent and unseen. Needing a fight, and hoping like hell to get one.}

*Shaking my head as I watch Phury's receding back as he walked away, I turned and headed south. As I cast my eyes around, probing the deep shadows for any sign of the enemy, my skin itching with irritation that I had to inhale the stench of humans and their garbage to catch any whiff of the distinctive lesser stink. Patrolling cautiously, I thought I caught the scent but it was gone in an instant. Frowning, thinking I had perhaps imagined it, I shook myself and continued stalking the dark recesses, my attention drifting back to Phury *

{Nearing the farthest edge of the park where it hit up against the cement of long broken roadway and stagnent water run off. What a foul place this was, and yet humans made it their home, made it their choice spot of the seedier kinds of recreation. Just as my mind began to go down the humans-are-scum pathway, I caught the sickly sweet scent I'd been yearning for.Knowing Rhage should be coming around the other side I eagerly headed toward the coming confrontation}

*Palming a dagger as i caught another whiff of the scent of baby powder, I picked up my pace, my head clocking from side to side as I tried to gauge where the scent was coming from. I silently cursed thinking I shouldn't have chosen this direction. As an errant thought of Phury crossed my mind, I wondered if he was any closer. The thought spurred me on and I started to jog, following the scent deeper into the darkness of the park*
{Knowing by the thick sweet scent that I had reached my destination even before I could see them. Stepping out of the shadows just as one of the two Lessers handed a large bag, probably drugs, to a filthy greasy haired human. Dagger already in hand and smile firmly in place I calmly approached} Nice night for a stroll, huh fellas? {Satisfied at their surprised reaction, I held the blade up to catch the light
from the corner street lamp. Both charged at once, and I could tell by their darker hair tone they were newer additions. Unable to hold back the laugh, I crouched and waiting for the fun to begin.}

*Skidding to a stop when I spot Phury confronted with two lessers, I approached silently, my dagger clutched firmly in my fist, waiting for the pasties to make a move on Phury to spring a surprise on their asses*

{The smaller, faster of the two hit me square on and didn't even manage to move me back a step. God, was this all they had? I wanted a REAL fight fuckers. Sticking my blade in deep, I used his jerk away from it's bite, to propel him into the bigger of the two. A quick to his knee sent him down to the ground and the bigger Lesser a few steps back. Waving the black stained blade in front of me I advanced, happier than I'd felt in weeks}

*Rotating my wrist, twisting the dagger in my hand ready to do clean up duty if needed, I watched Phury take the two on, realizing the male needed this; a way to work out the anger and frustration. The cold grin of satisfaction on his face chilled me. About to slam my blade into one of the lessers, a shiver raced up my spine. I thrust the blade into the larger of the lessers and pivoted around to face two more* for fucks sake! Is the Omega running a fucking factory pumping you assholes out by the minute?

{Watching Rhage take out the bigger lesser was a thing of beauty. Black blood flying freely, hitting the human, who'd been too terrified to even try to run away. Hearing Rhage address the new comers I swing for the closest one, taking a good slice out of his side. Before I get the chance to regain my balance I feel a sting along my shoulder and can smell my own blood as it runs.} Son of a bitch! {Looking over just long enough to see Rhage on the fucker who'd cut me, I give my undivided attention back to Mr Stinky in front of me.} The Fore Lesser sending babies out to do his bidding now? You are barely worth my time. {Deciding to make this last I switch my blade to my left hand as I slam my fist into his face. Grinning even bigger at the sound of crunching bone.} Ouch! Bet that hurt, how about this? {Hitting him again and then again. Enjoying the pure physical rush from the adrenaline. All to quickly and without much push back, my sandy haired opponent was on the ground, my blade stuck deep in his throat.} Not much of a talker are ya? {Beginning the pat down for his wallet, sorry the fight was all but over.}

*I grabbed the fucker who had stabbed Phury and tossed him aside, my vision darkening with rage as I turned towards the second newcomer. I grabbed him by the throat, my fist squeezing, but I knew I was too far gone. I felt my eyes glow white, my skin crawling as I tried to fight back the beast, but the smell of Phury's blood and the sight of Mr Slice-n-Dice pushing himself up to come for me was more than the beast could stand. A blinding white light flashed and I screamed in pain as I felt my bones break, my skin splitting as Mr Hyde decided to pop in for a visit. My scream mutated into an earsplitting yowl and then... I was just a passenger. I felt the beast lunge for one of the lessers, tossing him up like a rag doll and catching him between his jaws. The lessers bones broke with a nauseating crunch and black blood poured down the beasts face as the lesser was ripped into pieces and swallowed like he was a buffalo wing snack. The beasts head swung wildly spotting another lesser and lunging for him, making short work of the smallest of the enemy we had found. Letting out a loud roar, looking for more, he spotted the stupid human, probably too fucking stoned to have had the brains to run. He grabbed the human in his claws, tearing skin as the weak body was shoved down the beasts throat, red blood mixing and swirling with black*

{Hearing the ungodly scream come from Rhage just seconds before a flash of light flooded the area. Oh shit! Knowing instantly what this meant. I'd seen this Beast Dance before! All thoughts of the Lessers, wallets, hell, even my blade still sticking in his throat, vanishing. My one thought was to get the fuck out of there! Running full speed for the only make shift cover I could see, an old chipped cement picnic table. Sliding underneath what was left of it, realizing it provided little shelter if the Beast was wanting a full meal, and not a snack sized one. Grabbing my pager and sending the 911, with our location. shit! I hoped someone back at the mansion was monitoring. With my heart hammering in my ears I could only watch as Rhage's Beast seemed to enjoy his smelly meal. The raging noises and sounds of crunching bones unnerving. fuck and I'd been the one WANTING a good fight.}

* Looking around for more food, the beast ducked down low, following Phury's scent, its bright white eyes sizing the male up, its growl a low menacing rumble in its chest, blood dripping down its chest as it stalked forward towards Phury *

{Unable to do anything but watch as the Beast turned his reptilian attention toward me. Running was not an option; I'd seen the creature almost out run a car years before. Hoping that bravery might get me some brownie points, I held completely still and refused to look away. As the Beast lowered his head and sniffed, I decided to try and reach any part of my brother that might still be able to listen} Hey Rhage it's me, Phury. Uh, real nice work back there man. But I'm sure you're probably full now right? No need to add a brother to mix. How about we calm down, both of us and just hang until help arrives? Sounds like a plan to me. Hey, there's even a goat back at the mansion, bet he'd make a much better after dinner mint that I would. What do ya say brother, how about we end this right here peacefully?

* The beasts head tilted, hearing the quiet, calm voice of the meal on legs in front of it, fighting for supremacy over the one it rode shotgun with. It let out a loud sigh and calmed, flashing back as I reentered my body once more, every bone, every cell hurting like a motherfucker. I gasped for air, thinking I should go find that bus that rode over me and backed up a couple of times to make sure it had done the job. But frankly, I wasnt going anywhere for a while. My stomach ached fiercely and I swallowed several times, trying to settle the damn thing enough not to throw up what was in there. fuck knew thats the last thing I wanted to even think about much less see. Lying face down in the dirt, I couldnt help the groan of pain* fuck bro... you.. ok?

{Watching as Rhage returned to his regular form right before my eyes. That was some really fucked up shit. Sliding out from under the table and pilling off my trench coat to cover the now mostly naked brother.} Hey, fine bro, not to worry. We're both good. {Looking around and realizing the picnic table really was the only cover in the area} Gotta roll you over some Rhage. I know this isnt going to feel real nice but help is already on the way. We just need to keep out of sight until they get here. {With Rhage trying to help slide and my shoving we succeeded in moving under the limited protection. Lying next to my brother I could feel his body shaking and convulsing. It sounded like he was working hard at trying to either expell or not expell the Lesser meal he'd just devoured. I didn't really want to know which it was} This turned out to be an interesting first patrol wouldn't you say brother? {Lying with my arm around Rhage I waited for the others to arrive} #BeginningPatrol101

* My body shaking and shivering as we waiting for back up, I forced myself to think about better things* fucking need a shower #BBDB
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