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 Vishous and Wrath 4.13.12

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Join date : 2012-02-08

Vishous and Wrath   4.13.12 Empty
PostSubject: Vishous and Wrath 4.13.12   Vishous and Wrath   4.13.12 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 22, 2012 6:52 pm

[Shrugging out of my jacket, I replace the weapons strapped and secreted over my body into the walk in closet. Turning on my heel, I stalk out of the gatehouse, through the tunnels and into the mansion. Having missed Last Meal, my stomach sends up a rumble of protest against it's yawning emptiness. fuck, what a night. Rhage and I had taken down seven lessers, saving two civilians from lethal beatings before our skin had started to prickle with the coming sunrise. Close. fucking. Call.]

-lifts his head from the TV long enough to nod and watch V stroll out. Returns to Alf –

[Knocking Wrath's shoulder with my own as I pass, I toss over a wicked smirk and call out over my shoulder, shitkickers clocking across the marble.] Hey fucker, how's it hangin'? Nice to see your sorry ass outside that hole you've got down there, true?

[Shuts my eyes behind the wraparounds, yawning loud enough to crack my jaw] Gotta fill the tank sometime. [Juts my chin towards you] See you made it back in time. Thought we'd have to drag your crispy carcass into the mansion. [smirks] rough night?

[Shrugs, laughing as I pull the ID's out of my ass pocket and toss them onto the sideboard] Productive, feel me? [Cocks a dark brow] Good thing Rhage's beastie chose to stay in hiding, or we'd both be sporting that rotisserie glow.

[Lips curl amused, scrubbing a hand down over my face] Thank fuck for small mercies. There's no collar big enough for Rhage.

[Cracks a wide grin, slapping my hand against your shoulder] True that, Brother. [Stops myself before my legs go on auto toward the kitchen, my voice taking on a note of seriousness] You been in to see Phury?

[Hearing my brothers name Phury, brows draw down in a dark grim scowl] It's been a few days. [Hunting Lessers, slaughtering them with no mercy, sending them back to their cocksucker master had been my priority] How's he doing?

[Scrubbing my hand up my cheek, my fingers dragging my hair back from my forehead, I give a side to side shake and meet the glowing pale green behind the wraparounds, choosing my words carefully] Physically.. the fucker's healed clean through. Mentally? damn, Wrath.. I don't know if he's going to come back from this. [Scowling] I know sure as fuck he's won't be any good to us on the streets. No fucking clue how long. [Fixing diamond irises to the floor before drawing in a deep breath, expelling it in a drawn out hiss, wary of my next statement] You really should head up there. See it for yourself. Phury's lookin'.. and acting.. a lot more like his fucking twin than anything else these days.

fuck. Me. [Can't contain the burst of growls ripped from my throat] Two Z's we don't need. [I pushed from the chair, frigid air surrounding me while I paced, fingers gripping the bridge of my nose warding off the pounding pain behind my eyes] He's gonna be fucked up for a while, my brother. He wasn't haven't a tea party with the ForeLesser. [fangs dragged over my lip, the urge to avenge my brother for the torture he sustained a gnawing in my gut] We'll keep him steady [I all but growled it out I pinned your diamond eyes with a stare] ya feel me?

[Nodding firmly, the chilled air bringing a remnant of the vision I'd been swallowing back for months front and center. I grind my jaw to quell the foreboding. Switching up topics while I have the elusive Brother in my sights, I couldn't put a halt to my next sentence anymore than I could stop a fucking express train.] You know, we really need to get your ass paired up out there. [Holding up my gloved palm to ward off the impending outburst.] Before you start swinging, hear me out. [Brows furrowing deeply] We need you out there, Brother. You're the example that the rest of us follow, like it or not. The rest of the Brotherhood look to you for their direction. [Not backing down from the dark snarl that's boiling up.] Not askin' you to don your fucking crown here. Just saying, your presence is crucial to keeping this .. keeping us, cohesive.

[I had to rein in the hiss of my fangs otherwise my brother would be wearing my fist imprint in his fucking face right now. I rolled my neck, dragged in air before the words in a dark growl rolled off my tongue] Here's a direction, V. How about you all stop flapping your gums on what's for dinner, who is paired with who and what cocksucking pillows murhder wants in the gatehouse and we all do OUR fucking JOB! [My voice, dark as a fucking shadow had grown progressively louder with each word spat out] My presence is where
it should be. Slaying our enemy. Not holding all your fucking hands, feel me? [Fingers flexed as I brought a hand to scrub roughly over my jaw] I moved in here, what-the-fuck more I gotta do! [I was being a prick. And knew it. The Brotherhood was on shitty rocky ground right now, so easily it could tumble, one warrior at a fucking time]

[My own patience with our reluctant Royal wearing thin as tissue paper, I jab a leather clad finger into the pectoral scar beneath his clothing, hissing through clenched teeth as my left pupil dilates.] We're doing our jobs, and fuck you if you don't see it. [Snapping my hand back forming a tight fist, I step in close enough to feel your heaving, furious breath on my face.] If shit doesn't start coming together soon, my Brother, we're gonna be in worse shape than that fucking bomb would have left us in. Feel. ME? [Nostrils flaring as I fight off the motherfucking vision that threatens to black out my sight, I give a slow shake of my head and utter words intended to urge, yet the tone screams nothing but provoke.- So YOU, my LORD, need to quit the fucking "I am an island" bullshit and start working with us. Living here was only the start, and your thick head knows it.

[Black fury rose from my skin. The brother was provoking me into erupting and I played right into his hands like a damn puppet. Shitkickers pounded the marbled flooring and I had my hand locked on your jaw forcing you to look at me, fangs long spikes in my mouth, eyes blazing behind the shades, two fucking warriors locked head-to-head like dogs. I hissed out] That's right, V. I AM YOUR COCKSUCKING KING! so watch what the fuck you say to me, feel me? [I released you on a growl, my very spine rattling for a fight yet I knew you spoke sense. Fucker always did. I got my feet to pacing, wrenching the door open with enough force it crashed to the wall, throwing over my shoulder] you and me tonight. We fucking patrol together. [I took off with no more said, my dark mood bellowed out around me in a rush of fucking pissed-off male]@_Vishous_

[Bare fingers come up to rub at my stubbled jaw, the joint where Wrath's fingers had dug in giving a crack as I work it back and Yeah. fuck. That went about as well as expected. Had to be said, and I'd be damned if anyone else was going to get to grind the facts home. What I've been seeing is black... and getting blacker. The void widening and yielding nothing but more nothing.] shit... [I flex my fingers, working the tension out before I resume my search for food. Surprisingly, my appetite had increased. Looks like giving Wrath a boot up the ass was just the thing to throw a little encouragement my way. Near chuckling as I reach the kitchen, ignoring the doggen as they rush about in a frenzy to rustle up food for me, I toss over how tonight's patrol might go over... making a mental note to remind Wrath that he might want to keep the whole "COCKSUCKING KING" intel to himself.] #BBDB
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