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 Rehvenge 1.2.12

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Posts : 243
Join date : 2012-02-08

Rehvenge 1.2.12   Empty
PostSubject: Rehvenge 1.2.12    Rehvenge 1.2.12   Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 1:11 am

[My head snapping up at the sharp cry echoing through the house, I'm on my feet in an instant, rushing out of my quarters and down the stairs. Amethyst eyes narrow in rage when I set my gaze upon the scene before me. My gentle Mahmen, crumpled on the floor, her delicate fingers wrapped around a slender forearm that was cradled next to her abdomen. The livid bruise blossoming against her porcelain cheek sending my vision into a flat, vivid pane of crimson. Seeing the tears running down Bella's face told me that my young sister had witnessed at least a portion of this altercation. Again. Shifting my eyes to the stoic male taking up space in the sitting room, I turn and march in, my symphath tendencies roaring to be unleashed. Tamping them down, as I've learned to do for short periods of time, I face off with my step-father. Hissing out through a tightly clenched jaw..] Call Havers. Get him to send help. Now.

[Without waiting for an answer, I return to my Mahmen's side, kneeling beside her. More to calm myself and my sister, I weave the gentle tone I've always used in these all-too-frequent occurrences and murmur words of comfort in the Old Language to soothe the females I treasure more than life itself.]

[Seeing that the emergency medics sent from Havers' clinic have my detailed instructions, hearing them repeated back to me although we've been through this before. So many times. The concern in the techs my stomach. The suspicion is obvious. Fuck. Every last doggen in the household knows what's been happening for years. Their sad silence as they cower from my step-father's orders to disperse and get about their work speaks volumes. Seeing that Bella will be riding with our Mahmen to the clinic, I'm behind them in moments in my Jaguar. Following the crew directly to the clinic, leaving my car running as I jog behind the gurney as they push through the emergency bay doors and into the emergency receiving bay. Nodding mutely as I pick up Bella to hold her against me, I listen to Havers and his nursing staff recording the list of injuries. A broken wrist. Fractured ribs. A probable concussion from her "fall". Closing my eyes against the scarlet wash, I set my sister into the chair next to the bed the staff has made Mahmen comfortable in. Trusting myself only so far as to give one and two word answers, I give my consent for any and all treatment.] Anything. Yes. Do it.

[Tucking a blanket around Bella, giving her the remote control to the television I'm rewarded with a small smile as I help her find Fraggle Rock to watch while she sits with Mahmen to "keep her company". Bending to press my lips to each female's forehead, I assure them that I'll be back as soon as possible.]

[The sunrise, still hours away, is the least of my concerns at the moment. My entire being focused on carrying out the plan that's formed in my mind over the last few hours. Enough is enough. Time to step up and make good on the promises I've been making myself for years. Quelling the immediate urge to act on pure impulse, I park and sit in the Jag for several minutes. When my vision begins to pick up dimensions again, I step out and walk up the steps to the house I'd grown up in.

Calling out to the beloved doggen who've served my family for so many decades, I instruct them to gather in the downstairs staff quarters. During the short time it takes for the household to come together, I lean against the banister with thoughts racing almost faster than I'm able to keep pace with. My eyes fix upon several small droplets of blood that the doggen must have missed. Miniscule, easily overlooked in the hustle and confusion following Mahmen's "accident". Dried red stains at the corner of the staircase. Frowning, my brow furrows deeply. I bend to my knee and lick over my thumb, rubbing at the tiny specks in my own attempt to erase the pain that's embedded within these walls.
No use. These walls and floors could be cleaned for years and I would still see every last stain embedded in my memory. Standing, my long stride carries me down to meet with the doggen.

Closing the door to the staff quarters, I clasp my hands before me carefully. Looking each male, each female, directly in the eye. Meeting their pained expressions with a newfound strength. Nodding slowly as I speak, I see the realization, even gratitude dawning on their faces.]

I want each of you to leave the house, for at least one hour. Summer Solstice is approaching, yes? Many preparations to be made. I expect you to do your best to fulfill Madalina's highest wishes for this to be a celebration to remember.

[At the mention of Mahmen's name, tears roll slowly down the cheeks of the females, the males nodding with full understanding as I open the door. My lips pressed into a tight line, I watch them file out and take the stairs back to the main floor, waiting patiently while they gather their coats and exit the house as a group.]

[Steadily climbing the stairs to my step-father's study, I stop when my broad shoulders fill the doorway, my eyes sharp and deadly as they pin on the object of my fury. Rempoon. The step-father who’d grudgingly provided for me. The monster who’d terrorized my beloved Mahmen with his words as well as his fists. Her station as a Chosen, left behind to be with the Brother she’d loved, and lost, should have been the very thing that kept her safe from the brutality she was subjected to. Her love for me, her faith that I’d become something better than the half my DNA my biological father brought to the table, the one thing that kept her from returning to the Other Side. As her son, I could not abide these atrocities to continue one minute longer. As the colors of the everyday world begin to drain from my vision, the familiar garnet haze taking it’s place, I welcome the shift.]

“What is it? As you can see, I’m quite busy here tonight. Make it quick.”
[My shoulders roll as I approach the edge of his ornate desk. The papers piled tidily over it’s shining surface, his face a mask of annoyance at my intrusion. As a disgusted sneer pulls my lips back from my fangs, I catch a whiff of.. fear? Unused to allowing my darker side free reign, a shiver of excitement coils through me. Resting both palms against his desk, my upper body leaning down to bring my face level with his, I growl out in a voice that’s completely foreign to me.]

It ends. Now. The time has come to pay for your sins, [spitting out the word] Father.

[Seeing the panic creeping across his features, I reach across his desk, my fists gathering the finely tailored material of his shirt into balls as I jerk him to his feet. The male’s first instinct to fight back falters as I pull him over the slick surface, his breath leaving him on a grunt as he falls to the floor. Straddling his body, I slam his head back against the floor, tapping into the anger and hatred that have fermented within me for so long.]

“What.. what do you think you’re doing? Rehvenge! Stop this! You’ve gone mad!”

[Barking out a laugh as I draw my fist back and land a heavy punch to his nose, the bones crunching with a satisfying snap.]

Madness would be preferable. This is your due. This is retribution for every bit of pain you have ever brought to this household.

[Twisting my fist tighter in his shirt, buttons popping as he digs his fingertips into the flesh of my forearm.] You. Won’t. Hurt. Her. Again. [I lean in, amethyst eyes locking directly onto his.] EVER.

[Raising my fist again, and again, I methodically exact payment for every punch, slap, and push that had befallen my Mahmen at his hands. Bruise for bruise, broken bone for broken bone. The screams that echo through Rempoon’s office ricochet around, fueling my aggression as my mind lights upon every ill deed, twisted emotion and vile intent the male beneath me holds dear. The colors of his grid showing up with clarity more vivid than the brightest light shining on Broadway.

The sensation I’m receiving akin to that of feeding, but so much more powerful. Electric and energizing. Registering that I’d known this feeling before, feared it even, I now open myself to the flooding might that rushes through me. As my step-father’s body begins to fail beneath my assault, I hold tightly to the flickering sights and feelings that string out before me. Unmindful of the broken knuckles of my right hand, I continue to destroy the visage that’s terrorized my family. My left hand releases its grip of the torn shirt, moving to the male’s exposed throat, long fingers curling around to squeeze. Leaning my full weight against his neck, the fingers of my right hand twist into his hair, pulling his head back so I’m able to see his wide eyes. Needing to see the last of his life empty from him, I clench my left hand into a vice, grinning wickedly as I hear the hyoid bone give way with the strangulation. My breath sawing through my lungs, I hiss into his face as his final struggles overtake him, the basal need buried in our brains as a last resort for survival.]

Now it’s fucking right. Hope you enjoy Dhund.. might see you there one day, Father. [Rising to my feet, my hands, my face and clothing spattered with the blood of Rempoon, I take one final act of revenge and lean to lay down one final punch to the bastard’s head, knocking his spine out of alignment as it jerks up and to the side.

Satisfied, panting, I hear the distant chime of the doorbell. The doggen returning. My cue to get the fuck out and protect our household staff, giving them no cause to lie when questioned whether or not they’ve seen the killer of my step-father. Willing the front doors to open, I step out the French doors at the back of the house, disappearing into the sultry night air.]

[Needing to find a way to get my symphath side back under wraps, and fucking soon, I head to the only place that’s a sure bet to control my urges, to give me back to me. Pain was what I needed, and pain was where I was headed. Taking out the residual aggression, allowing it to be beaten out of me, would be easy once I tracked down my equal. Grinning with a mouth distorted by fully elongated fangs, I murmur quietly to myself.] Now. Shit gets better.
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